Archivo:American football officials positions.svg

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The relative positions of American football officials in a seven-official system:

  • The Referee (R) positions himself behind the offensive team, favoring the right side if the quarterback is a right-handed passer.
  • The Umpire (U) stands behind the defensive line and linebackers.
  • The Head Linesman (H) stands at one end of the line of scrimmage.
  • The Line Judge (L) stands at the other end of the line of scrimmage.
  • The Field Judge (F) works downfield behind the defensive secondary on the same sideline as the Line Judge.
  • The Side Judge (S) works downfield behind the defensive secondary on the same sideline as the Head Linesman.
  • The Back Judge (B) stands behind the defensive secondary in the middle of the field.
Fuente Derived from File:American football positions.svg
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