English: 67 stones in memory of 67 innocent Jews, men, women, boys and girls, children and babys raped and slaughrered by Hebron Arabs, while under British mandate. Remaining Jews were evacuated "for their own safety" and brought to Jerusalem. On the Six Day War, when Hebron was freed by Jews, after nearly two thousand years of occupation by all big forces in the world, instead of letting the Arabs get what they deserved, Israel went out of anybody's normal way to cuddle the Arabs. Instead of building our rightful city, claining our birth right to our ancestral inheritance, Israel, being secular, and much worse, holds it as an occupied territory to make everybody happy ("legally" and "rightfully" hating the "cruel" "occupation") excluding the Jews who are persecuted as if we still were in the Diaspora/
עברית: 67 מצבות האבן לטבוחי תרפ"ט, בימים שלא היה "כיבוש" ואפילו מדינה לא היתה. גם לא היתה מדינה ערבית כלשהי. וזה, מעולם לא! ארץ ישראל מעולם לא היתה יחידה ריבונית עצמאית של איזשהו עם אחר, לבד מן היהודים. ולהזכיר, ה"כיבוש" היה מידי "ירדן", שגם היא מדינה פיקטיבית תוצרת בריטניה. בכל המשחק הזה לא היו מעולם "פלשתינאים", אין דבר כזה.
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{{Information |Description ={{en|1=67 stones in memory lf 67 innocent Jews, men, women, boys and girls, children and babys raped and slaughrered by Hebron Arabs, while under British mandate. Remaining Jews were evacuated "for their own safety" and brou