Anexo discusión:Monumentos del Departamento de Tarija

Último comentario: hace 10 años por Vladimir138

Hello, I am a member of the international team of Wiki Loves Monuments who takes care of the upload campaigns used with the picture contest Wiki Loves Monuments next month. I take also care of the use of these campaigns via links on Wikipedias. Concerning this list, an important aspect of the identifiers (Código) used in Wiki Loves Monuments is that every monument in a country has a unique identifier. When I look at the several lists, the same number is used. The identifier is in that way not unique. This must be solved. The best way to do that is by adding the character as on ISO 3166-2:BO assigned to that region. I just fixed this problem, but you should be aware of this as well in future. See for more information: What to keep in mind with creating a list of monuments? on Commons. I am willing to help and answer questions, preferable on this talkpage. Romaine (discusión) 02:29 10 ago 2013 (UTC)Responder

Thank you, take care of your recommendation.

Comunicare a los organizadores de WLM Bolivia su recomendación para que la atiendan.

--Vladimir Discusión 05:49 10 ago 2013 (UTC)Responder

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