Anexo:Países por producción de electricidad
Lista de países por su producción anual de electricidad. ==Producción de energía ==
País/Región | Electricidad - producción (GWh) | Fecha de la información |
26 823 200 | [1] 2020 | |
China | 7 503 400 | [1] 2020 |
Estados Unidos | 4 286 600 | [1] 2020 |
India | 1 560 900 | [1] 2020 |
Rusia | 1 085 400 | [1] 2020 |
Japón | 1 004 800 | [1] 2020 |
Canadá | 643 900 | [1] 2020 |
Brasil | 620 100 | [1] 2020 |
Corea del Sur | 574 000 | [1] 2020 |
Alemania | 571 900 | [1] 2020 |
Francia | 524 900 | [1] 2020 |
Arabia Saudita | 340 900 | [1] 2020 |
Irán | 331 600 | [1] 2020 |
México | 313 200 | [1] 2020 |
Reino Unido | 312 800 | [1] 2020 |
Turquía | 305 400 | [1] 2020 |
Italia | 282 700 | [1] 2020 |
Taiwán | 279 800 | [1] 2020 |
Indonesia | 275 200 | [1] 2020 |
Australia | 265 200 | [1] 2020 |
España | 255 800 | [1] 2020 |
Sudáfrica | 239 500 | [1] 2020 |
Vietnam | 243 500 | [1] 2020 |
Egipto | 198 600 | [1] 2020 |
Tailandia | 176 400 | [1] 2020 |
Suecia | 169 200 | [1] 2020 |
Malasia | 159 600 | [1] 2020 |
Polonia | 157 800 | [1] 2020 |
Noruega | 154 500 | [1] 2020 |
Ucrania | 149 000 | [1] 2020 |
Argentina | 142 500 | [1] 2020 |
Emiratos Árabes Unidos | 138 400 | [1] 2020 |
Pakistán | 137 800 | [1] 2020 |
Irak | 131 300 | [1] 2020 |
Países Bajos | 122 400 | [1] 2020 |
Kazajistán | 109 200 | [1] 2020 |
Filipinas | 101 800 | [1] 2020 |
Bélgica | 90 400 | [1] 2020 |
Bangladés | 89 100 | [1] 2020 |
Chile | 84 300 | [1] 2020 |
República Checa | 81 400 | [1] 2020 |
Argelia | 78 800 | [1] 2020 |
Colombia | 75 000 | [1] 2020 |
Kuwait | 74 900 | [1] 2020 |
Israel | 74 300 | [1] 2020 |
Austria | 71 700 | [1] 2020 |
Suiza | 70 400 | [1] 2020 |
Finlandia | 68 800 | [1] 2020 |
Uzbekistán | 65 000 | [1] 2020 |
Paraguay | 63 700 | [2] 2016 |
Venezuela | 58 400 | [1] 2020 |
Rumania | 56 200 | [1] 2020 |
Portugal | 54 100 | [1] 2020 |
Singapur | 53 100 | [1] 2020 |
Perú | 52 700 | [1] 2020 |
Catar | 50 500 | [1] 2020 |
Nueva Zelanda | 44 200 | [1] 2020 |
Grecia | 42 600 | [1] 2020 |
Bulgaria | 40 900 | [1] 2020 |
Omán | 38 900 | [1] 2020 |
Serbia | 38 821 | [3] 2017 |
Bielorrusia | 38 700 | [1] 2020 |
Marruecos | 38 200 | [1] 2020 |
Siria | 35 892 | [4] 2011 |
Libia | 35 450 | [5] 2015 |
Hong Kong | 35 200 | [1] 2020 |
Hungría | 34 600 | [1] 2020 |
Irlanda | 32 500 | [1] 2020 |
Ecuador | 32 000 | [1] 2020 |
Eslovaquia | 28 400 | [1] 2020 |
Dinamarca | 28 100 | [1] 2020 |
Nigeria | 28 000 | [6] 2017 |
Turkmenistán | 26 600 | [1] 2020 |
Azerbaiyán | 22 800 | [1] 2020 |
Corea del Norte | 20 992 | [4] 2011 |
Puerto Rico | 20 015 | [4] 2011 |
Islandia | 19 300 | [1] 2020 |
Eslovenia | 17 100 | [1] 2020 |
Sri Lanka | 16 900 | [1] 2020 |
Cuba | 16 745 | [4] 2011 |
Mozambique | 16 661 | [4] 2011 |
Kirguistán | 16 035 | [4] 2011 |
Líbano | 15 423 | [4] 2011 |
Etiopía | 15 192 | [7] | 2020
Tayikistán | 14 956 | [4] 2011 |
Túnez | 14 762 | [4] 2012 |
Bosnia y Herzegovina | 14 472 | [8] 2017 |
República Dominicana | 14 367 | 2015[4] |
Croacia | 13 400 | [1] 2020 |
Baréin | 13 086 | [4] 2011 |
Jordania | 12 998 | [4] 2011 |
Laos | 12 242 | [4] 2011 |
Georgia | 11 574 | [9] 2016 |
Zambia | 11 338 | [4] 2010 |
Ghana | 10 906 | [4] 2011 |
Uruguay | 10 161 | [4] 2011 |
Costa Rica | 9888 | [4] 2011 |
Costa de Marfil | 9796 | [10] 2017 |
Kenia | 9258 | [11] 2015 |
Trinidad y Tobago | 9000 | [1] 2020 |
Sudán[12] | 8917 | [4] 2011 |
Guatemala | 8361 | [4] 2011 |
República Democrática del Congo | 7802 | [4] 2011 |
Armenia | 7763 | [13] 2017 |
Panamá | 7642 | [4] 2011 |
Zimbabue | 7297 | [4] 2011 |
Birmania | 7144 | [4] 2011 |
Bután | 6976 | [4] 2011 |
Bolivia | 6835 | [4] 2011 |
Honduras | 6712 | [4] 2011 |
Estonia | 6400 | [1] 2020 |
El Salvador | 5992 | [4] 2011 |
Kosovo | 5906 | [14] 2017 |
Camerún | 5857 | [4] 2011 |
Yemen | 5834 | [4] 2011 |
Mongolia | 5802 | [15] 2016 |
Letonia | 5700 | [1] 2020 |
Angola | 5512 | [4] 2011 |
Moldavia | 5456 | [4] 2010 |
Macedonia del Norte | 5300 | [1] 2020 |
Tanzania | 5115 | [4] 2011 |
Chipre | 4900 | [1] 2020 |
Jamaica | 4745 | [4] 2011 |
Albania | 4525 | [16] 2017 |
Lituania | 4200 | [1] 2020 |
Senegal | 3921 | [17] 2017 |
Nicaragua | 3522 | [4] 2011 |
Brunéi | 3500 | [4] 2011 |
Papúa Nueva Guinea | 3325 | [4] 2011 |
Nepal | 3279 | [4] 2011 |
Montenegro | 3141 | [9] 2016 |
Reunión | 2841 | [4] 2011 |
Mauricio | 2627 | [4] 2011 |
Uganda | 2493 | [4] 2011 |
Nueva Caledonia | 2430 | [4] 2011 |
Luxemburgo | 2300 | [1] 2020 |
Malta | 2250 | [18] 2016 |
Bahamas | 2190 | [4] 2011 |
Malaui | 2069 | [4] 2011 |
Guam | 1734 | [4] 2011 |
Gabón | 1702 | [4] 2011 |
Martinica | 1702 | [4] 2011 |
Guadalupe | 1650 | [4] 2011 |
Surinam | 1600 | [4] 2011 |
Namibia | 1585 | [4] 2011 |
Madagascar | 1340 | [4] 2011 |
Antillas Neerlandesas | 1287 | [4] 2011 |
República del Congo | 1255 | [4] 2011 |
Barbados | 1002 | [4] 2011 |
Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos | 996 | [4] 2001 |
Camboya | 991 | [4] 2011 |
Aruba | 980 | [4] 2011 |
Guinea | 950 | [4] 2011 |
Mauritania | 930 | [4] 2011 |
Guayana Francesa | 885 | [4] 2011 |
Fiyi | 836 | [4] 2011 |
Afganistán | 833 | [4] 2011 |
Macao | 833 | [4] 2011 |
Polinesia Francesa | 825 | [4] 2011 |
Botsuana | 3449 | [19] 2015 |
Guyana | 725 | [4] 2011 |
Lesoto | 700 | [4] 2011 |
Bermudas | 674 | [4] 2011 |
Haití | 652 | [4] 2011 |
Islas Caimán | 594 | [4] 2011 |
Burkina Faso | 579 | [4] 2011 |
Groenlandia | 538 | [20] 2016 |
Palestina | 535 | [4] 2011 |
Ruanda | 525 | [20] 2016 |
Mali | 520 | [4] 2011 |
Guinea Ecuatorial | 500 | [20] 2016 |
Níger | 495 | [20] 2016 |
Belice | 452 | [4] 2011 |
Eritrea | 416 | [20] 2016 |
Yibuti | 406 | [20] 2016 |
Maldivas | 402 | [20] 2016 |
Suazilandia | 381 | [20] 2016 |
Santa Lucía | 369 | [20] 2016 |
Somalia | 339 | [20] 2016 |
Benín | 335 | [20] 2016 |
Antigua y Barbuda | 331 | [20] 2016 |
Islas Feroe | 306 | [21] 2014 |
Gambia | 304 | [20] 2016 |
Burundi | 304 | [20] 2016 |
Liberia | 300 | [20] 2016 |
Sierra Leona | 300 | [20] 2016 |
Gibraltar | 239 | [20] 2016 |
Islas Turcas y Caicos | 235 | [20] 2016 |
Togo | 233 | [20] 2016 |
Chad | 224 | [20] 2016 |
San Cristóbal y Nieves | 208 | [20] 2016 |
Granada | 202 | [20] 2016 |
Estados Federados de Micronesia | 192 | 2002 |
República Centroafricana | 171 | [20] 2016 |
Samoa Americana | 169 | [20] 2016 |
San Vicente y las Granadinas | 157 | [20] 2016 |
Samoa | 132 | [20] 2016 |
Dominica | 111 | [20] 2016 |
Islas Salomón | 103 | [20] 2016 |
Sahara Occidental | 85 | 2005 |
Santo Tomé y Príncipe | 66 | [20] 2016 |
Tonga | 52 | [20] 2016 |
San Pedro y Miquelón | 46 | [20] 2016 |
Comoras | 42 | [20] 2016 |
Guinea-Bisáu | 39 | [20] 2016 |
Kiribati | 29 | [20] 2016 |
Montserrat | 24 | [20] 2016 |
Islas Malvinas | 19 | [20] 2016 |
Santa Elena, Ascensión y Tristán de Acuña | 7 | [20] 2016 |
Niue | 3 | [20] 2016 |
Véase también
editar- ↑ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n ñ o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an añ ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bñ bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by «BP Statistical Review of World Energy July 2021».
- ↑ "Climatescope 2017 - Paraguay"
- ↑ "Energy 2018 - Serbia"
- ↑ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n ñ o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an añ ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bñ bo bp bq Energy Information Administration - International Energy Statistics — net electricity generation
- ↑ "Libya Energy Profile"
- ↑ "World Electricity Production Statistics"
- ↑ "በ2012 በጀት ዓመት ከ15 ሺህ ጊጋ ዋት ሰዓት በላይ የኤሌክትሪክ ኃይል ማመንጨት ተችሏል"
- ↑ "Bosnia's net electricity production at 14,472 GWh in 2017"
- ↑ a b "Eurostat - Total gross electricity generation"
- ↑ Rapport annuel 2017, page 15
- ↑ International Energy Agency (31 de diciembre de 2015). «Kenya: Electricity and Heat for 2015». Paris: International Energy Agency (IEA). Archivado desde el original el 11 de agosto de 2018. Consultado el 3 de julio de 2018.
- ↑ both Sudan and South Sudan
- ↑ "In Armenia, the generation of electricity in 2017 increased by 6.1% per annum"
- ↑ "Kosovo's gross power output falls 9.8% in 2017"
- ↑ "Energy Sector of Mongolia, Policy and Challenges"
- ↑ "Albania's electricity imports soar in 2017 as domestic output falls"
- ↑ "Rapport annuel 2017"
- ↑ "Electricity generation by year"
- ↑
- ↑ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n ñ o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak «Country Comparison :: Electricity - production — The World Factbook - Central Intelligence Agency». Consultado el 27 de julio de 2020.
- ↑ "Production Accounts 2014"
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editar- Esta obra contiene una traducción derivada de «List of countries by electricity production» de Wikipedia en inglés, publicada por sus editores bajo la Licencia de documentación libre de GNU y la Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.