Anexo:Obras de teatro de Shakespeare en quartos
Diecinueve de las obras de William Shakespeare aparecieron por primera vez en formato "quarto" (cuartilla) antes de la publicación del First Folio en 1623, dieciocho de ellas antes de su muerte en 1616. Una de las obras en colaboración con John Fetcher, Los dos nobles caballeros, fue publicada por primera vez en 1634, y una obra de teatro que se publicó por primera vez en el First Folio, La fierecilla domada, se publicó más tarde en formato cuartilla. A continuación se listan las obras de teatro de Shakespeare que aparecieron como cuartillas hata 1642 y la información completa de la página del título de cada edición en su original en inglés.
Obras de teatro publicadas por primera vez antes de 1623
editarQ1 (1594)
THE | First part of the Con= | tention betwixt the two famous Houses of Yorke | and Lancaster, with the death of the good | Duke Humphrey: | And the banishment and death of the Duke of | Suffolke, and the Tragicall end of the proud Cardinall | of VVinchester, vvith the notable Rebellion | of Iacke Cade: | And the Duke of Yorkes first claime vnto the | Crowne. | LONDON | Printed by Thomas Creed, for Thomas Millington, | and are to be sold at his shop vnder Saint Peters | Church in Cornwall. | 1594.
La obra de teatro conocida como El rey Enrique VI, 2.ª parte se inscribió en el Registro de Publicaciones el 12 de marzo de 1594 y fue impreso ese mismo año por Thomas Creede por encargo de Thomas Millington[1]. Tal como aparece en el First Folio, la obra de teatro es aproximadamente un tercio más larga que la primera versión en quarto[2]. Muchos expertos están de acuerdo en que la versión de 1594, tal y como fue impresa, es una copia conmemorativa o "bad quarto" (cuartillas falsas), pero sin embargo, están divididas como si estuviera basada en la versión "folio" completa o en una versión de esa obra de teatro abreviada y posiblemente revisada[3]. STC 26099; 64 páginas.
Q2 (1600)
THE | First part of the Con- | tention betwixt the two famous hou- | ses of Yorke and Lancaster, with the | death of the good Duke | Humphrey: And the banishment and death of the Duke of | Suffolke, and the Tragical end of the prowd Cardinall | of Winchester, with the notable Rebellion of | Iacke Cade: | And the Duke of Yorkes first clayme to the | Crowne. | LONDON | Printed by Valentine Simmes for Thomas Millington, and | are to be sold at his shop vnder S. Peters Church | in Cornewall. | 1600.
Q3 1619 (sin fecha, impreso con Enrique VI, 3.ª parte, como parte del False Folio de Thomas Pavier)
THE Whole Contention | betvveene the two Famous | Houses , LANCASTER and | YORKE. | With the Tragicall ends of the good Duke | Humfrey, Richard Duke of Yorke, | and King Henrie the | sixt. | Diuided into two Parts: And newly corrected and | enlarged. Written by William Shake- | speare, Gent. | Printed at LONDON, for T. P.
Q1 1594.
Q2 1600
Q3 1619.
Q1 (1594)
THE | MOST LA- | mentable Romaine | Tragedie of Titus Andronicus: | As it was Plaide by the Right Ho- | nourable the Earle of Darbie, Earle of Pembrooke, | and Earle of Sussex their Seruants. | LONDON, | Printed by Iohn Danter, and are | to be sold by Edward White & Thomas Millington, | at the little North doore of Paules at the | signe of the Gunne. | 1594.[4]
Q2 (1600)
The most lamenta- | ble Romaine Tragedie of Titus | Andronicus. | As it hath sundry times beene playde by the | Right Honourable the Earle of Pembrooke, the | Earle of Darbie, the Earle of Sussex, and the | Lorde Chamberlaine theyr | Seruants. | AT LONDON | Printed by I. R. for Edward White | and are to bee sold at his shoppe, at the little | North doore of Paules, at the signe of | the Gun. 1600.
Q3 (1611)
THE | MOST LAMEN- | TABLE TRAGEDIE | of Titus Andronicus. | AS IT HATH SVNDRY | times beene plaide by the Kings | Maiesties Seruants. | LONDON, | Printed for Eedward White, and are to be solde | at his shoppe, nere the little North dore of | Pauls, at the signe of the | Gun. 1611.
Q1 1594.
Q2 1600.
Q3 1611.
Q1 (1597)
THE TRAGEDY OF | King Richard the third. | Containing, | His treacherous Plots against his brother Clarence: | the pittiefull murther of his iunocent nephewes: | his tyrannicall vsurpation: with the whole course | of his detested life, and most deserued death. | As it hath been lately Acted by the | Right honourable the Lord Chamber- | laine his seruants. | AT LONDON | Printed by Valentine Sims, for Andrew Wise, | dwelling in Paules Chuch-yard, at the | Signe of the Angell. | 1597.
Q2 (1598)
THE | TRAGEDIE | of King Richard | the third. | Conteining his treacherous Plots against his | brother Clarence: the pitiful murther of his innocent | Nephewes: his tyrannicall vsurpation: with | the whole course of the detested life, and most | deserued death. | As it hath beene lately Acted by the Right honourable | the Lord Chamberlaine his seruants. | By William Shake-speare. | LONDON | Printed by Thomas Creede, for Andrew Wise, | dwelling in Paules Church-yard, at the signe | of the Angell. 1598.
Q3 (1602)
THE | TRAGEDIE | of King Richard | the third. | Conteining his treacherous Plots against his brother | Clarence: the pittifull murther of his innocent Ne- | phewes: his tyrannicall vsurpation: with the | whole course of the detested life, and | most deserued death. | As it hath bene lately Acted by the Right honourable | the Lord Chamberlaine his seruants. | Newly augmented, | By William Shakespeare. | LONDON | Printed by Thomas Creede, for Andrew Wise, dwelling | in Paules Church-yard, at the signe of the | Angell. 1602.
Q4 (1605)
THE | TRAGEDIE | of King Richard | the third. | Conteining his treacherous Plots against his brother | Clarence: the pittifull murther of his innocent Ne- | phewes: his tyrannicall vsurpation: with the | whole course of the detested life, and | most deserued death. | As it hath bin lately Acted by the Right Honourable | the Lord Chamberlaine his seruants. | Newly augmented, | By William Shakespeare. | LONDON | Printed by Thomas Creede, and are to be sold by Mathew | Lawe, dwelling in Paules Church-yard, at the Signe | of the Foxe, neare S. Austins gate, 1605.
Q5 (1612)
THE | TRAGEDIE | of King Richard | the third. | Containing his treacherous Plots against his brother | Clarence : the pittifull murther of his innocent Ne- | phewes : his tyrannicall vsurpation : with the | whole course of the detested life, and | most deserued death. | As it hath beene lately Acted by the Kings Maiesties | seruants. | Newly augmented, | By William Shake-speare. | LONDON, | Printed by Thomas Creede, and are to be sold by Mathew | Lawe, dwelling in Pauls Church-yard, at the Signe | of the Foxe, neare S. Austins gate, 1612.
Q6 (1622)
THE | TRAGEDIE | OF | KING RICHARD | THE THIRD. | Contayning his treacherous plots against | his brother Clarence : The pittifull murder of his innocent | Nephewes : his tyrannicall Vsurpation : with the whole | course of his detested life, and most | deserued death. | As it hath been lately acted by the Kings Maiesties | Seruants. | Newly augmented. | By William Shake-speare. | LONDON, | Printed by Thomas Purfoot, and are to be sold by Mathew Law, dwelling | in Pauls Church-yard, at the Signe of the Foxe, neere | S. Austines gate, 1622.
Q7 (1629)
THE | TRAGEDIE | OF | KING RICHARD | THE THIRD. | Contayning his treacherous plots against | his brother Clarence : The pittifull murder of his ino- | cent Nephewes : his tiranous vsurpation : with the whole | course of his detested life, and most | deserued death. | As it hath been lately Acted by the Kings Maiesties | Seruants. | Newly augmented. | By William Shake-speare. | LONDON. | Printed by Iohn Norton, and are to be sold by Mathew Law, | dwelling in Pauls Church-yeard, at the Signe of the | Foxe, neere St. Austines gate, | 1629.
Q8 (1634)
THE | TRAGEDIE | OF | KING RICHARD | THE THIRD. | Contayning his treacherous Plots a- | gainst his brother Clarence : The pitifull | murder of his innocent Nephewes : his | tyranous vsurpation : with the | whole course of his detested life, | and most deserued death. | As it hath beene Acted by the Kings | Maiesties Seruants. | VVritten by William Shake-speare. | LONDON. | Printed by IOHN NORTON. 1634.
Q1 1597
Q2 1598
Q3 1602
Q4 1605
Q5 1612
Q6 1622
Q7 1629
Q8 1634
1.º Octavo (1595)
The true Tragedie of Richard | Duke of Yorke, and the death of | good King Henrie the Sixt, | with the whole contention betweene | the two Houses Lancaster | and Yorke, as it was sundrie times | acted by the Right Honoura- | ble the Earle of Pem- | brooke his seruants. | Printed at London by P. S. for Thomas Milling- | ton, and are to be sold at his shoppe vnder | Saint Peters Church in | Cornwal. 1595.
Q2 (1600)
THE | True Tragedie of | Richarde Duke of | Yorke, and the death of good | King Henrie the sixt: | VVith the whole contention betweene the two | Houses, Lancaster and Yorke; as it was | sundry times acted by the Right | Honourable the Earle | of Pembrooke his | seruantes. | Printed at Londou by W. W. for Thomas Millington, | and are to be sold at his shoppe vnder Saint | Peters Church in Cornewall. | 1600.
Q3 (1619) (sin fecha, impresa con Enrique VI, 2.ª parte incluida en el False Folio de Thomas Pavier)
THE Whole Contention | betvveene the two Famous | Houses , LANCASTER and | YORKE. | With the Tragicall ends of the good Duke | Humfrey, Richard Duke of Yorke, | and King Henrie the | sixt. | Diuided into two Parts: And newly corrected and | enlarged. Written by William Shake- | speare, Gent. | Printed at LONDON, for T. P.
O1 1595
Q2 1600
Q3 1619.
Q1 (1597)
AN | EXCELLENT | conceited Tragedie | OF | Romeo and Iuliet. | As it hath been often (with great applause) | plaid publiquely, by the right Ho- | nourable the L. of Hunsdon | his Seruants. | LONDON | Printed by Iohn Danter. 1597 (78 pp.)
Q2 (1599)
THE | MOST EX= | cellent and lamentable | Tragedie, of Romeo | and Iuliet. | Newly corrected, augmented, and | amended: | As it hath bene sundry times publiquely acted, by the | right Honourable the Lord Chamberlaine | his Seruants. | LONDON | Printed by Thomas Creede, for Cuthbert Burby, and are to | be sold at his shop neare the Exchange. 1599. (92 pp.)
Q3 (1609)
THE | MOST EX- | CELLENT AND | Lamentable Tragedie, of | Romeo and Juliet. | As it hath beene sundrie times publiquely Acted, | by the KINGS Maiesties Seruants | at the Globe. | Newly corrected, augmented, and amended : | LONDON | Printed for IOHN SMETHVVICK, and are to be sold | at his Shop in Saint Dunstanes Church-yard, | in Fleetestreete vnder the Dyall, | 1609. (92 pp.)
Q4 a (1622) (sin fecha)
THE MOST | EXCELLENT | And Lamentable Tragedie, | of ROMEO and | IVLIET. | As it hath beene sundrie times publikely Acted, | by the KINGS Maiesties seruants | at the GLOBE. | Newly corrected, augmented, and amended. | LONDON, | Printed for Iohn Smethwicke, and are to bee sold at his Shop in | Saint Dunstanes Church-yard, in Fleetestreete | vnder the Dyall. (88 pp.)
Q4 b (1622) (sin fecha)
THE MOST | EXCELLENT | And Lamentable Tragedie, | of ROMEO and | IVLIET. | As it hath beene sundrie times publikely Acted, | by the KINGS Maiesties seruants | at the GLOBE. | Written by W. Shake-speare. | Newly corrected, augmented, and amended. | LONDON, | Printed for Iohn Smethwicke, and are to bee sold at his Shop in | Saint Dunstanes Church-yard, in Fleetestreete | vnder the Dyall. (88 pp.)
Q5 (1637)
THE MOST | EXCELLENT | And Lamentable Tragedie | of ROMEO and | JULIET. | As it hath been sundry times publikely Acted | by the KINGS Maiesties Seruants | at the GLOBE. | Written by W. Shake-speare. | Newly corrected, augmented, and amended. | LONDON, | Printed by R. Young for John Smethwicke, and are to bee sold at | his Shop in St. Dunstanes Church-yard, in Fleetstreet, | under the Dyall. 1637. (88 pp.)
Q1 1597
Q2 1599
Q3 1609
Q4 a 1622
Q4 b 1622
Q5 1637
Q1 (1597)
THE | Tragedie of King Ri- | chard the se- | cond. | As it hath beene publikely acted | by the right Honourable the | Lorde Chamberlaine his Ser- | uants. | LONDON | Printed by Valentine Simmes for Androw Wise, and | are to be sold at his shop in Paules church yard at | the signe of the Angel. | 1597.
Q2 (1598)
THE | Tragedie of King Ri- | chard the second. | As it hath beene publikely acted by the right Ho- | nourable the Lorde Chamberlaine his | seruants. | By William Shake-speare. | LONDON | Printed by Valentine Simmes for Andrew Wise, and | are to be sold at his shop in Paules churchyard at | the signe of the Angel. 1598.
Q3 (1598)
THE | Tragedie of King Ri- | chard the second. | As it hath beene publikely acted by the right Ho- | nourable the Lorde Chamberlaine his | seruants. | By William Shake-speare. | LONDON | Printed by Valentine Simmes, for Andrew Wise, and | are to be sold at his shop in Paules churchyard, at | the signe of the Angel. 1598
Q4 a (1608)
THE | Tragedie of King | Richard the second. | As it hath been publikely acted by the Right | Honourable the Lorde Chamberlaine | his seruantes. | By William Shake-speare. LONDON, | Printed by W. W. for Mathew Law, and are to be | sold at his shop in Paules Church-yard, at | the signe of the Foxe. | 1608.
Q4 b (1608)
THE | Tragedie of King | Richard the second: | With new additions of the Parlia- | ment Sceane, | and the deposing | of King Richard. | As it hath been lately acted by the Kinges | Maiesties seruantes, at the Globe. | By William Shake-speare. | AT LONDON, | Printed by W. W. for Mathew Law, and are to | be sold at his shop in Paules Church-yard, | at the signe of the Foxe. | 1608.
Q5 (1615)
THE | Tragedie of King | Richard the Se- | cond: | With new additions of the Parliament Sceane, | and the deposing of King | Richard. | As it hath been lately acted by the Kinges | Maiesties seruants, at the Globe. | By WILLIAM SHAKE-SPEARE. | At LONDON, | Printed for Mathew Law, and are to be sold | at his shop in Paules Church-yard, | at the | signe of the Foxe. | 1615.
Q6 (1634)
THE | LIFE AND | DEATH OF KING | RICHARD THE | SECOND. | With new Additions of the | Parliament Scene, and the | Deposing of King Richard. | As it hath beene acted by the Kings Majesties | Servants, at the Globe. | By William Shakespeare. | LONDON, | Printed by IOHN NORTON. | 1634.
Q1 1597
Q2 1598
Q3 1598
Q4 a 1608
Q4 b 1608
Q5 1615
Q6 1634
Quarto 0 (1598)
Esta versión, que se cree que es anterior al Q1, es conocida solo por un único fragmento en la Biblioteca Folger Shakespeare, que comprende cuatro hojas del cuadernillo C que fueron encontradas en la encuadernación de un libro. El titular utilizado usa la palabra "hystorie" en lugar de "historie" y el texto pronunciado por Poins en 2.2, "How the rogue roared" aparece como "How the fat rogue roared".
Q1 (1598)
THE | HISTORY OF | HENRIE THE | FOVRTH; | With the battell at Shrewsburie, | betweene the King and Lord | Henry Percy , surnamed | Henrie Hotspur of | the North. | With the humorous conceits of Sir | Iohn Falstalffe. | AT LONDON, | Printed by P. S. for Andrew Wise, dwelling | in Paules Churchyard, at the signe of | the Angell, 1598.
Q2 (1599)
THE | HISTORY OF | HENRIE THE | FOVRTH; | With the battell at Shrewsburie, | betweene the King and Lord Henry | Percy, surnamed | Henrie Hot- | spur of | the North. | With the humorous conceits of Sir | Iohn Falstalffe. | Newly corrected by W. Shake-speare. | AT LONDON, | Printed by S. S. for Andrew VVise, dwelling | in Paules Churchyard, at the signe of | the Angell. 1599.
Q3 (1604)
THE | HISTORY OF | Henrie the fourth, | VVith the battell at Shrewsburie, | betweene the King, and Lord | Henry Percy, surnamed Henry Hot- | spur of the North. | With the humorous conceits of Sir | Iohn Falstalffe. | Newly corrected by W. Shake-speare. | LONDON | Printed by Valentine Simmes, for Mathew Law, and | are to be solde at his shop in Paules Churchyard, | at the signe of the Fox. | 1604.
Q4 (1608)
THE | HISTORY OF | Henry the fourth, | VVith the battell at Shrewsburie, | betweene the King, and Lord | Henry Percy, surnamed Henry | Hotspur of the North. | With the humorous conceites of Sir | Iohn Falstalffe. | Newly corrected by W. Shake-speare. | LONDON | Printed for Mathew Law, and are to be sold at | his shop in Paules Church-yard, neere vnto S. | Augustines gate, at the signe of | the Foxe, 1608.
Q5 (1613)
THE | HISTORY OF | Henrie the fourth, | With the Battell at Shrewseburie, betweene | the King, and Lord Henrie Percy, sur- | named Henrie Hotspur of the North. | VVith the humorous conceites of Sir | Iohn Falstaffe. | Newly corrected by W. Shake-speare. | LONDON, | Printed by W. W. for Mathew Law, and are to be sold | at his shop in Paules Church-yard, neere vnto S. | Augustines Gate, at the signe of the Foxe. | 1613.
Q6 (1622)
THE | HISTORIE | OF | Henry the Fourth. | With the Battell at Shrewseburie, betweene | the King, and Lord Henry Percy, surnamed | Henry Hotspur of the North. | With the humorous conceits of Sir | Iohn Falstaffe. | Newly corrected. | By William Shake-speare. | LONDON, | Printed by T. P. and are to be sold by Mathew Law, dwelling | in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the Foxe, neere | S. Austines gate. 1622.
Q7 (1632)
THE | HISTORIE | OF | Henry the Fourth: | With the battell at Shrewesbury, be- | tweene the King, and Lord Henry Percy, | surnamed Henry Hotspur of | the North. | With the humorous conceits of Sir | Iohn Falstaffe. | Newly corrected, | By William Shake-speare. | London. | Printed by Iohn Norton, and are to bee sold by | William Sheares, at his shop at the great South doore | of Saint Pauls-Church; and in Chancery-Lane, | neere Serieants-Inne. | 1632.
Q8 (1639)
THE | HISTORIE | OF | Henry the Fourth: | WITH THE BATTELL AT | Shrewsbury, betweene the King, | and Lord Henry Percy, surnamed | Henry Hotspur of the | North. | With the humorous conceits of Sir | IOHN FALSTAFFE. | Newly corrected, | By WILLIAM SHAKE-SPEARE. | LONDON | Printed by JOHN NORTON, and are to be sold by | HVGH PERRY, at his shop next to Ivie-bridge | in the Strand. 1639.
Q0 1598: imagen compuesta que ilustra los dos puntos únicos de la edición.
Q1 1598
Q2 1599
Q3 1604
Q4 1608
Q5 1613
Q6 1622
Q7 1632
Q8 1639
Q (1598)
A | PLEASANT | Conceited Comedie | CALLED, | Loues labors lost. | As it vvas presented before her Highnes | this last Christmas. | Newly corrected and augmented | By W. Shakespeare. | Imprinted at London: by W. W. | for Cutbert Burby, | 1598.
Q 1598
Quarto Un (84 páginas) omite la primera escena de acto iii y ocho otros pasos en quire E. Quarto b (88 páginas) añade la primera escena desaparecida de acto iii y reinicializaciones el texto inmediatamente circundante, añadiendo dos hojas a quire E. Las páginas de título son idénticas.
Q (1600)
THE | Second part of Henrie | the fourth, continuing to his death, | and coronation of Henrie | the fift. | With the humours of sir Iohn Fal- | staffe, and swaggering | Pistoll. | As it hath been sundrie times publikely | acted by the right honourable, the Lord | Chamberlaine his seruants. | Written by William Shakespeare. | LONDON | Printed by V. S. for Andrew Wise, and | William Aspley. | 1600.
Q 1600
Q1 (1600)
THE | CRONICLE | History of Henry the fift, | With his battell fought at Agin Court in | France. Togither with Auntient | Pistoll. | As it hath bene sundry times playd by the Right honorable | the Lord Chamberlaine his seruants. | LONDON | Printed by Thomas Creede, for Tho. Milling- | ton, and Iohn Busby. And are to be | sold at his house in Carter Lane, next | the Powle head. 1600. (56 pp.)
Q2 (1602)
THE | CHRONICLE | History of Henry the fift, | VVith his battell fought at Agin Court | in France. Together with Auntient | Pistoll. | As it hath bene sundry times playd by the Right honorable | the Lord Chamberlaine his seruants. | LONDON | Printed by Thomas Creede, for Thomas | Pauier, and are to be sold at his shop in Cornhill, | at the signe of the Cat and Parrets neare | the Exchange. 1602. (52 pp.)
Q3 (1619) (falsamente datado con fecha de 1608 como parte False Folio de Thomas Pavier)
THE | Chronicle History | of Henry the fift, with his | battell fought at Agin Court in | France. Together with an- | cient Pistoll. | As it hath bene sundry times playd by the Right Honou- | rable the Lord Chamberlaine his | Seruants. | Printed for T. P. 1608. (56 pp.)
Q1 1600
Q2 1602
Q3 1619
Q1 (1600)
A | Midsommer nights | dreame. | As it hath beene sundry times pub- | lickely acted, by the Right honoura- | ble, the Lord Chamberlaine his | seruants. | Written by William Shakespeare. | ¶ Imprinted at London, for Thomas Fisher, and are to | be soulde at his shoppe, at the Signe of the White Hart, | in Fleetestreete. 1600.
Q2 (1619) (falsamente datado con fecha de 1600 como parte del False Folio de Thomas Pavier)
A | Midsommer nights | dreame. | As it hath beene sundry times pub- | likely acted, by the Right Honoura- | ble, the Lord Chamberlaine his | seruants. | VVritten by VVilliam Shakespeare. | Printed by Iames Roberts, 1600.
Q1 1600
Q2 1619
Q1 (1600)
The most excellent | Historie of the Merchant | of Venice. | VVith the extreame crueltie of Shylocke the Iewe | towards the sayd Merchant, in cutting a iust pound | of his flesh: and the obtayning of Portia | by the choyse of three | chests. | As it hath beene diuers times acted by the Lord | Chamberlaine his seruants. | Written by William Shakespeare. | AT LONDON, | Printed by I. R. for Thomas Heyes, | and are to be sold in Paules Church-yard, at the | signe of the Greene Dragon. | 1600.
Q2 (1619) (falsamente datado con fecha de 1600 como parte del False Folio de Thomas Pavier)
THE | EXCELLENT | History of the Mer- | chant of Venice. | With the extreme cruelty of Shylocke | the Iew towards the saide Merchant, in cut- | ting a iust pound of his flesh. And the obtaining | of Portia, by the choyse of | three Caskets. | Written by W. SHAKESPEARE. | Printed by J. Roberts, 1600
Q3 (1637)
The most excellent | Historie of the Merchant | of VENICE. | With the extreame crueltie of Shylocke | the Iewe towards the said Merchant, in | cutting a just pound of his flesh: and the ob- | taining of PORTIA by the choice | of three Chests. | As it hath beene divers times acted by the | Lord Chamberlaine his servants. | Written by WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. | LONDON, | Printed by M. P. for Laurence Hayes, and are to be sold | at his Shop on Fleetbridge. 1637.
Q1 1600
Q2 1619
Q3 1637
Q (1600)
Much adoe about | Nothing. | As it hath been sundrie times publikely | acted by the right honourable, the Lord | Chamberlaine his seruants. | Written by William Shakespeare. | LONDON | Printed by V. S. for Andrew Wise, and | William Aspley. | 1600.
Q 1600
Q1 (1602)
A | Most pleasaunt and | excellent conceited Co- | medie, of Syr Iohn Falstaffe, and the | merrie Wiues of Windsor. | Entermixed with sundrie | variable and pleasing humors, of Syr Hugh | the Welch knight, Iustice Shallow, and his | wise Cousin M. Slender. | With the swaggering vaine of Auncient | Pistoll, and Corporall Nym. | By William Shakespeare. | As it hath bene diuers times Acted by the right Honorable | my Lord Chamberlaines seruants. Both before her | Maiestie, and else-where. | LONDON | Printed by T. C. for Arthur Iohnson, and are to be sold at | his shop in Powles Church-yard, at the signe of the | Flower de Leuse and the Crowne. | 1602.
Q2 (1619) (Se declara falsamente que Arthur Johnson es el editor, como parte del False Folio de Thomas Pavier).
A | Most pleasant and ex- | cellent conceited Comedy, | of Sir Iohn Falstaffe, and the | merry VViues of VVindsor. | VVith the swaggering vaine of An- | cient Pistoll, and Corporall Nym. | Written by W. SHAKESPEARE. | Printed for Arthur Johnson, 1619.
Q3 (1630)
THE | MERRY VVIVES | OF WINDSOR. | With the humours of Sir Iohn Falstaffe, | As also the swaggering vaine of Ancient | Pistoll, and Corporall Nym. | Written by William Shake-Speare. | Newly corrected. | LONDON: | Printed by T. H. for R. Meighen, and are to be sold | at his Shop, next to the Middle-Temple Gate, and in | S. Dunstans Church-yard in Fleet-street, | 1630.
Q1 1602
Q2 1619
Q3 1630
Q1 (1603)
THE | Tragicall Historie of | HAMLET | Prince of Denmarke | by William Shake-speare. | As it hath beene diuerse times acted by his Highnesse ser- | uants in the Cittie of London : as also in the two V- | niuersities of Cambridge and Oxford, and else-where | At London: printed for N. L. and Iohn Trundell. | 1603. (66 pp.)
Q2 a (1604)
THE | Tragicall Historie of | HAMLET, | Prince of Denmarke. | By William Shakespeare. | Newly imprinted and enlarged to almost as much | againe as it was, according to the true and perfect | Coppie. | AT LONDON, | Printed by I. R. for N. L. and are to be sold at his | shoppe vnder Saint Dunstons Church in | Fleetstreet. 1604. (102 pp.)
Q2 b (1605)
THE | Tragicall Historie of | HAMLET, | Prince of Denmarke. | By William Shakespeare. | Newly imprinted and enlarged to almost as much | againe as it was, according to the true and perfect | Coppie. | AT LONDON, | Printed by I. R. for N. L. and are to be sold at his | shoppe vnder Saint Dunstons Church in | Fleetstreet. 1605. (102 pp.)
Q3 (1611)
THE | TRAGEDY | OF | HAMLET | Prince of Denmarke. | BY | WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. | Newly imprinted and enlarged to almost as much | againe as it was, according to the true | and perfect Coppy. | AT LONDON, | Printed for Iohn Smethwicke, and are to be sold at his shoppe | in Saint Dunstons Church yeard in Fleetstreet. | Vnder the Diall. 1611. (104 pp.)
Q4 (1622) (sin fecha)
THE | TRAGEDY | OF | HAMLET | Prince of Denmarke. | BY | WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. | LONDON, | Printed by W. S. for Iohn Smethwicke, and are to be sold at his | shoppe in Saint Dunstons Church-yard in Fleetstreet: | Vnder the Diall.
Q5 (1637)
THE | TRAGEDY | OF HAMLET | PRINCE OF | DENMARK. | Newly imprinted and inlarged, according to the true | and perfect Copy last Printed. | By WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. | LONDON, | Printed by R. Young for John Smethwicke, and are to be sold at his | Shop in Saint Dunstans Church-yard in Fleet-stteet, | under the Diall, 1637. (104 pp.)
Q1 1603
Q2 a 1604
Q2 b 1605
Q3 1611
Q4 1622
Q5 1637
Q1 (1608)
M. William Shak-speare: | HIS | True Chronicle Historie of the life and | death of King LEAR and his three | Daughters. | With the vnfortunate life of Edgar, sonne | and heire to the Earle of Gloster, and his | sullen and assumed humor of | TOM of Bedlam: | As it was played before the Kings Maiestie at Whitehall vpon | S. Stephans night in Christmas Hollidayes. | By his Maiesties seruants playing vsually at the Gloabe | on the Bancke-side. | LONDON, | Printed [by Nicholas Okes] for Nathaniel Butter, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls | Church-yard at the signe of the Pide Bull neere | St. Austins Gate 1608 (84 pp.)
Q2 1619 (falsamente datado con fecha de 1608 como parte del False Folio de Thomas Pavier)
M. VVilliam Shake-speare, | HIS | True Chronicle History of the life | and death of King Lear, and his | three daughters. | With the vnfortunate life of EDGAR, sonne and heire to the Earle of Glocester, and | his sullen and assumed humour of TOM | of Bedlam. | As it was plaied before the Kings Maiesty at White-hall, vp- | pon S. Stephens night, in Christmas Hollidaies. | By his Maiesties Seruants, playing vsually at the | Globe on the Banck-side. | Printed for Nathaniel Butter. 1608. (88 pp.)
Q1 1608
Q2 1619
Q a (1609)
THE Historie of Troylus | and Cresseida. | As it was acted by the Kings Maiesties | seruants at the Globe. | Written by William Shakespeare. | LONDON | Imprinted by G. Eld for R. Bonian and H. Walley, and | are to be sold at the spred Eagle in Paules | Church-yeard, ouer against the | great North doore. | 1609.
Q b (1609)
THE | Famous Historie of | Troylus and Cresseid. | Excellently expressing the beginning | of their loues, with the conceited wooing | of Pandarus Prince of Licia. | Written by William Shakespeare. | LONDON | Imprinted by G. Eld for R. Bonian and H. Walley, and | are to be sold at the spred Eagle in Paules | Church-yeard, ouer against the | great north doore. | 1609.
Q Un 1609
Q b 1609
Q1 (1609)
THE LATE, | And much admired Play, | Called | Pericles, Prince | of Tyre. | With the true Relation of the whole Historie, | aduentures, and fortunes of the said Prince: | As also, | The no lesse strange, and worthy accidents, | in the Birth and Life, of his Daughter | MARIANA. | As it hath been diuers and sundry times acted by | his Maiesties Seruants, at the Globe on | the Banck-side. | By William Shakespeare. | Imprinted at London for Henry Gosson, and are | to be sold at the signe of the Sunne in | Pater-noster row, &c. | 1609.
Q2 (1609)
THE LATE, | And much admired Play, | Called | Pericles, Prince | of Tyre. | With the true Relation of the whole Historie, | aduentures, and fortunes of the said Prince: | As also, | The no lesse strange, and worthy accidents, | in the Birth and Life, of his Daughter | MARIANA. | As it hath been diuers and sundry times acted by | his Maiesties Seruants, at the Globe on | the Banck-side. | By William Shakespeare. | Imprinted at London for Henry Gosson, and are | to be sold at the signe of the Sunne in | Pater-noster row, &c. | 1609.
Q3 (1611)
THE LATE, | And much admired Play, | Called | Pericles, Prince | of Tyre. | With the true Relation of the whole History, | aduentures, and fortunes of the sayd Prince: | As also, | The no lesse strange, and worthy accidents, | in the Birth and Life, of his Daughter | MARIANA. | As it hath been diuers and sundry times acted by | his Maiestyes Seruants, at the Globe on | the Banck-side. | By VVilliam Shakespeare. | Printed at London by S. S. | 1611.
Q4 a (1619) (primera declaración como parte del Folio Falso de Thomas Pavier)
THE LATE, | And much admired play, | CALLED, | Pericles, Prince of | Tyre. | With the true relation of the whole Hi- | story, aduentures, and fortunes of | the saide Prince. | Written by W. SHAKESPEARE. | Printed for T. P. 1619.
Q4 b (1619) (corregido y con fecha falsa de 1609 como parte del False Folio de Thomas Pavier)
THE LATE, | And much admired play, | CALLED, | Pericles, Prince of | Tyre. | With the true relation of the whole Hi- | story, aduentures, and fortunes of | the saide Prince. | Written by W. SHAKESPEARE. | Printed for T. P. 1609.
Q5 (1630)
THE LATE, | And much admired play, | CALLED | Pericles, Prince of | Tyre. | With the true relation of the whole Hi- | story, aduentures, and fortunes | of the saide Prince. | Written by WILL. SHAKESPEARE. | LONDON, | Printed by I. N. for R. B. and are to be sould | at his shop in Cheapside, at the signe of the | Bible. 1630.
Q6 (1635)
THE LATE, | And much admired Play, | CALLED | Pericles, Prince of | Tyre. | With the true Relation of the whole Hi- | story, adventures, and fortunes of | the said Prince. | Written by W. SHAKESPEARE. | Printed at London by Thomas Cotes, 1635.
Q1 1609
Q2 1609
Q3 1611
Q4 1.º estado
Q4 2.º estado
Q5 1630
Q6 1635
Q1 (1622)
THE | Tragœdy of Othello, | The Moore of Venice. | As it hath beene diuerse times acted at the | Globe, and at the Black-Friers, by | his Maiesties Seruants. | Written by VVilliam Shakespeare. | LONDON, | Printed by N. O. for Thomas Walkley, and are to be sold at his | shop, at the Eagle and Child, in Brittans Bursse. | 1622.
Q2 (1630)
THE | Tragœdy of Othello, | The Moore of Venice. | As it hath beene diuerse times acted at the | Globe, and at the Black-Friers, by | his Maiesties Seruants. | Written by VVilliam Shakespeare. | LONDON, | Printed by A. M. for Richard Hawkins, and are to be sold at | his shoppe, in Chancery-Lane, neere Sergeants-Inne. | 1630.
Q1 1622
Q2 1630
Obras de teatro publicadas por primera vez después de 1623
editarQ (1631)
A WITTIE | AND PLEASANT | COMEDIE | Called | The Taming of the Shrew. | As it was acted by his Maiesties | Seruants at the Blacke Friers | and the Globe. | Written by VVill. Shakespeare. | London, | Printed by W. S. [William Stansby] for Iohn Smethwicke, and are to be | sold at his Shop in Saint Dunstones Church- | yard vnder the Diall. | 1631. (72 pp.)
Q 1631
Q (1634)
THE | TWO | NOBLE/KINSMEN: | Presented at the Blackfriers | by the Kings Maiesties servants, | with great applause: | Written by the memorable Worthies/of their time; | Mr. John Fletcher, and} | Mr. William Shakespeare.} | Gent. | Printed at London by Tho. Cotes, for Iohn Waterson: | and are to be sold at the signe of the Crowne | in Pauls Church-yard. 1634.
Q 1634
editar- ↑ Knowles, 1999, pp. 106–7.
- ↑ Knowles, 1999, pp. 106–7.
- ↑ Wells et al., 1997, p. 175.
- ↑ The only extant copy of this quarto belongs to the collection of the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, DC.