Anexo:Doctores honoris causa por la Universidad Brandeis

La Universidad Brandeis ha otorgado, desde 1953, los doctorados honorarios que se muestran a continuación.[1]

Doctor Doctorado Año
Hannah W. Abrams Humane Letters 1986
Dean Gooderham Acheson Humane Letters 1956
Robert McCormick Adams Humane Letters 1992
Edward F. Albee Humane Letters 1979
Madeleine K. Albright Laws 1996
Yigal Allon Laws 1973
George Alpert Laws 1953
Stuart H. Altman Humane Letters 1991
Alexander Altmann Humane Letters 1979
Nathan S. Ancell Humane Letters 1990
Marian Anderson Humane Letters 1960
Robert Orville Anderson Humane Letters 1983
Christian B. Anfinsen Science 1977
Leonore Annenberg Humane Letters 1999
Walter H. Annenberg Humane Letters 1995
Aharon Appelfeld Humane Letters 1996
Oscar Arias Laws 1997
Raymond C.F. Aron Humane Letters 1978
Brooks Atkinson Laws 1965
James J. Axelrod Humane Letters 1957
Milton Babbitt Humane Letters 1991
George Balanchine Humane Letters 1965
Roger Nash Baldwin Laws 1969
George Ball Humane Letters 1973
Hastings Kamuzu Banda Laws 1963
Aharon Barak Laws 2003
Mikhail Baryshnikov Humane Letters 1983
Florence Baumritter Humane Letters 1986
Theodore Baumritter Humane Letters 1986
George Wells Beadle Laws 1963
Victor H. Beinfield Humane Letters 1988
Harry Belafonte Humane Letters 1991
Daniel Bell Humane Letters 1991
Saul Bellow Humane Letters 1974
David Ben-Gurion Laws 1960
Robert Saul Benjamin Humane Letters 1971
William Benton Laws 1968
Seymour Benzer Science 1978
Clarence Q. Berger Humane Letters 1973
Abram Bergson Humane Letters 1985
Isaiah Berlin Laws 1967
Leonard Bernstein Humane Letters 1959
Marver Hillel Bernstein Humane Letters 1983
George Packer Berry Humane Letters 1964
William Beveridge Humane Letters 1961
Deborah Bial Humane Letters 2012
Grete Lehner Bibring Humane Letters 1968
Elizabeth Bishop Humane Letters 1978
Elizabeth Blackburn Science 2004
Felix Bloch Laws 1970
Derek Bok Humane Letters 1993
Elena Bonner Humane Letters 1992
Cory A. Booker Humane Letters 2009
Daniel J. Boorstin Humane Letters 1988
Albert Hosmer Bowker Laws 1972
Stephen John Brademas Humane Letters 1967
Tom Bradley Laws 1975
Harvie Branscombe Laws 1958
Herman Russell Branson Humane Letters 1972
Richard D. Brauer Science 1975
William J. Brennan Laws 1986
Sydney Brenner Science 2012
Stephen Breyer Laws 2002
Tom Brokaw Humane Letters 2005
Charles R. Bronfman Humane Letters 1992
Detlev W. Bronk Science 1957
David Brooks Humane Letters 2011
Angie Brooks-Randolph Humane Letters 1971
Art Buchwald Humane Letters 1987
Thomas Buergenthal Laws 2011
Ralph Johnson Bunche Laws 1960
McGeorge Bundy Laws 1963
Edward Bernard Bunn Laws 1958
Mary Ingraham Bunting Science 1972
Arthur Frank Burns Laws 1983
George Burns Humane Letters 1993
Mary S. Calderone Science 1975
Geoffrey Canada Humane Letters 2014
Erwin Dain Canham Humane Letters 1966
Gertrude Carnovsky Master of Arts 1979
Anthony Alfred Caro Humane Letters 1980
James Carroll Humane Letters 2008
Harold Claude Case Laws 1961
Torbjorn Oskar Caspersson Science 1965
Rene Samuel Cassin Laws 1969
Douglass Cater Humane Letters 1967
Marc Chagall Laws 1960
Alvin Duke Chandler Laws 1958
Linda Chavez-Thompson Humane Letters 2001
Dale Chihuly Fine Arts 2000
Brock Chisholm Humane Letters 1960
Kenneth B. Clark Humane Letters 1988
William Ramsey Clark Laws 1969
James Harlan Cleveland Laws 1971
Benjamin V. Cohen Laws 1975
Gerson David Cohen Humane Letters 1987
Maurice Cohen Humane Letters 1985
Saul G. Cohen Science 1986
Wilbur Joseph Cohen Humane Letters 1968
Mildred Cohn Science 1984
Henry Steele Commager Laws 1959
Arthur Holly Compton Science 1957
James Joseph Conlon Humane Letters 2009
Harold J. Coolidge Science 1970
Philip Hall Coombs Laws 1962
Aaron Copland Humane Letters 1957
Andrew W. Cordier Laws 1966
Carl Ferdinand Cori Science 1965
Irwin Cotler Laws 2007
Norman Cousins Humane Letters 1969
Jacques-Yves Cousteau Science 1970
Archibald Cox Laws 1988
Walter L. Cronkite Humane Letters 1987
Lester Crown Humane Letters 2004
Richard Cushing Humane Letters 1964
Arnold R. Cutler Laws 1984
Dalai Lama Humane Letters 1998
Albert V. Danielsen Humane Letters 1973
George F. Davidson Humane Letters 1961
Bern Dibner Science 1977
Irving Dillard Civil Law 1956
Simcha Dinitz Laws 1979
E.L. Doctorow Humane Letters 1989
Yaacov Dori Laws 1964
Paul Howard Douglas Laws 1953
Robert Drinan Humane Letters 2002
David Dubinsky Humane Letters 1966
Charles Warner Duhig Humane Letters 1971
Abba Eban Laws 1958
Marian Wright Edelman Humane Letters 1988
Samuel Eilenberg Science 1980
Eliahu Elath Laws 1963
Rubin Epstein Humane Letters 1980
Maurice Evans Laws 1961
Stuart Eizenstat Laws 2001
John K. Fairbank Humane Letters 1979
Leonard L. Farber Humane Letters 1989
Sidney Farber Humane Letters 1963
Paul Farmer Humane Letters 2010
Suzanne Farrell Fine Arts 2015
Abraham Feinberg Laws 1961
Max Feldberg Humane Letters 1972
Stanley H. Feldberg Humane Letters 1986
Harold L. Fierman Laws 1974
Louis Finkelstein Laws 1972
Max M. Fisher Humane Letters 1997
John Edward Fogarty Laws 1961
Judah Folkman Science 2007
John Ford Humane Letters 1965
Joseph F. Ford Humane Letters 1955
Henry L. Foster Humane Letters 1985
Helen Frankenthaler Humane Letters 1982
Felix Frankfurter Humane Letters 1956
John Hope Franklin Humane Letters 1985
Paul A. Freund Laws 1974
Thomas L. Friedman Humane Letters 1988
Charlotte Friend Science 1986
Henry Jacob Friendly Laws 1968
Lawrence Fuchs Humane Letters 2002
R. Buckminster Fuller Humane Letters 1970
John Kenneth Galbraith Laws 1963
Buell Gordon Gallagher Laws 1954
John William Gardner Laws 1963
Helene D. Gayle Humane Letters 2008
Clifford Geertz Humane Letters 1984
Frank O. Gehry Humane Letters 2002
Bronislaw Geremek Laws 1999
Nancy Gertner Laws 2011
A. Bartlett Giamatti Humane Letters 1986
John Gielgud Laws 1965
Susan Brandeis Gilbert Humane Letters 1963
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Laws 1996
Louis Ginzberg Humane Letters 1953
Philip Glass Music 1988
Nahum Glatzer Humane Letters 1973
John H. Glenn Laws 1999
Nelson Glueck Humane Letters 1961
Arthur J. Goldberg Laws 1966
Whoopi Goldberg Humane Letters 1997
Marvin L. Goldberger Science 1991
Jacob Goldfarb Humane Letters 1963
Richard N. Goldman Humane Letters 2002
Nahum Goldmann Humane Letters 1978
Edward Goldstein Humane Letters 1986
Israel Goldstein Humane Letters 1958
Nathaniel L. Goldstein Laws 1976
Richard J. Goldstone Laws 2004
Ernst Gombrich Humane Letters 1981
Benny Goodman Music 1986
Laurence McKinley Gould Laws 1961
Frank Porter Graham Laws 1960
Martha Graham Humane Letters 1963
Hanna Holborn Gray Humane Letters 1983
Alan C. Greenberg Humane Letters 1989
Irving Greenberg Humane Letters 1986
Vartan Gregorian Humane Letters 2013
Jacqueline Grennan Humane Letters 1968
Erwin Nathaniel Griswold Laws 1956
Ernest Gruening Laws 1959
Alfred M. Gruenther Humane Letters 1959
Albert Leon Guerard Letters 1957
Israel Gutman Humane Letters 2009
Alan F. Guttmacher Science 1970
William Haber Laws 1975
Mother Clara Hale Humane Letters 1990
Morris Halle Science 1989
Edvard Isak Hambro Laws 1971
Henry E. Hampton Humane Letters 1993
John Marshall Harlan II Humane Letters 1955
Avraham Harman Humane Letters 1966
William Averell Harriman Laws 1967
Patricia Harris Laws 1973
Sylvia K. Hassenfeld Humane Letters 1998
Helen Hayes Humane Letters 1964
Henry Townley Heald Humane Letters 1966
George Alexander Heard Humane Letters 1985
Leonard Dudley Heaton Humane Letters 1964
August Heckscher Humane Letters 1964
Lillian Hellman Humane Letters 1955
Harry B. Helmsley Humane Letters 1974
David Dickinson Henry Humane Letters 1967
Christian A. Herter Laws 1955
Chaim Herzog Laws 1987
Theodore M. Hesburgh Laws 1962
Don S. Hewitt Humane Letters 1990
Maurice B. Hexter Humane Letters 1961
Jacob Hiatt Humane Letters 1977
Milton Hindus Humane Letters 1986
Wakako K. Hironaka Laws 1987
Al Hirschfeld Humane Letters 1989
Richard Hodes Science 2013
Paul G. Hoffman Laws 1955
Roald Hoffmann Humane Letters 1997
Edwin E. Hokin Humane Letters 1979
Richard Holbrooke Laws 2003
Kenneth Holland Laws 1967
Marilyn Bernice Horne Humane Letters 2009
Benjamin S. Hornstein Humane Letters 1986
Hubert H. Humphrey Laws 1961
Daniel K. Inouye Laws 1990
Meyer Jaffe Humane Letters 1957
Max Jakobson Laws 1971
Roman Jakobson Humane Letters 1981
Jacob K. Javits Laws 1984
Philip Caryl Jessup Laws 1971
Ha Jin Humane Letters 2005
Alvin Saunders Johnson Humane Letters 1954
Philip Johnson Humane Letters 1990
Quincy Jones Music 1992
Barbara C. Jordan Laws 1976
Vernon E. Jordan Laws 1970
Martin D. Kamen Science 1988
Max M. Kampelman Laws 1993
Mordecai M. Kaplan Humane Letters 1962
Nathan O. Kaplan Science 1982
Milton Katz Laws 1972
Nicholas Katzenbach Laws 1971
Ephraim Katzir Science 1975
Stephen B. Kay Humane Letters 2008
Danny Kaye Humane Letters 1972
Judith S. Kaye Laws 2010
Ellsworth Kelly Fine Arts 2013
Bamaby Conrad Kenney Humane Letters 1966
George Frost Kennan Laws 1958
Edward M. Kennedy Laws 1975
John F. Kennedy Laws 1958
Francis Keppel Humane Letters 1966
Clark Kerr Laws 1964
James R. Killian Laws 1958
Dudley Fisher Kimball Laws 1959
Jamaica Kincaid Humane Letters 2015
Coretta Scott King Humane Letters 1969
Maxine Hong Kingston Humane Letters 1991
George B. Kistiakowsky Science 1982
Philip M. Klutznick Laws 1974
Asa Smallidge Knowles Laws 1968
Alfred A. Knopf Humane Letters 1963
Helmut Kohl Laws 1998
Walter Kohn Science 1981
Teddy Kollek Humane Letters 1992
Izaak M. Kolthoff Science 1974
C. Everett Koop Science 1990
Ted Koppel Humane Letters 2002
Daniel E. Koshland Science 2000
Myra Hiatt Kraft Humane Letters 2012
Otto F. Krauschaar Laws 1958
Mathilde Krim Science 1989
Tony Kushner Humane Letters 2006
Simon S. Kuznets Humane Letters 1975
H. Richardson Labouisse Humane Letters 1983
Edwin Herbert Land Science 1980
Eric Lander Science 2014
Walter Laqueur Humane Letters 1994
Mario Laserna Pinzón Laws 1962
Ralph Lauren Humane Letters 1996
Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot Humane Letters 2003
Edmund R. Leach Humane Letters 1976
Herbert Lehman Laws 1954
Samuel Lemberg Humane Letters 1967
Miles Lerman Humane Letters 1995
Gerda Lerner Humane Letters 1989
Max Lerner Humane Letters 1982
Paul E. Levenson Laws 1987
Norman B. Leventhal Humane Letters 1990
Edward Hirsch Levi Laws 1968
Leonard W. Levy Humane Letters 1987
Bernard Lewis Humane Letters 1993
John R. Lewis Humane Letters 1998
W. Arthur Lewis Humane Letters 1982
Daniel Libeskind Humane Letters 2007
Sol Linowitz Laws 1982
Joseph M. Linsey Humane Letters 1976
Fritz Lipmann Humane Letters 1959
Walter Lipmann Laws 1968
Jacques Lipshitz Humane Letters 1959
Salvador Ponce Lopez Laws 1969
Ralph Lowell Laws 1961
Philip W. Lown Humane Letters 1970
Isador Lubin Laws 1966
Alfred Lunt y Lynn Fontanne Humane Letters 1965
Salvador E. Luria Science 1979
Peter S. Lynch Humane Letters 2001
Yo-Yo Ma Humane Letters 2011
Oluwatope A. Mabogunje Science 1991
Roderick MacKinnon Science 2005
Archibald MacLeish Laws 1959
Margaret E. Mahoney Humane Letters 1989
Calvert Magruder Laws 1956
Joseph L. Mailman Humane Letters 1978
Morton Mandel Humane Letters 1989
Frank E. Manuel Humane Letters 1986
Bernard Marcus Humane Letters 2001
Jacob R. Marcus Humane Letters 1978
Luis Muñoz Martin Humane Letters 1961
Jacques Maritain Humane Letters 1955
Edward J. Markey Laws 2005
Wynton Marsalis Humane Letters 1996
Margaret Hilary Marshall Laws 2005
Thurgood Marshall Humane Letters 1961
Alpheus Mason Humane Letters 1973
Benjamin E. Mays Humane Letters 1970
William Mazer Humane Letters 1977
Richard Dean McCarthy Laws 1970
Elmer V. McCollum Humane Letters 1959
Elizabeth Jane McCormack Laws 1972
Wade Hampton McCree Laws 1980
David McCullough Humane Letters 2003
Ralph Emerson McGill Humane Letters 1963
Golda Meir Laws 1973
Arthur Mendel Humane Letters 1976
Pierre Mendes-France Laws 1959
Robert K. Merton Humane Letters 1983
Keyes Dewitt Metcalf Humane Letters 1959
Howard M. Metzenbaum Laws 1986
Kweisi Mfume Humane Letters 2004
Edith Michaels Humane Letters 1973
Darius Milhaud Humane Letters 1955
Arthur Miller Humane Letters 1998
Jean Baker Miller Humane Letters 1987
Czeslaw Milosz Humane Letters 1983
Charles Mingus Humane Letters 1974
Newton N. Minow Laws 1963
Albert D. Misler Humane Letters 1987
George J. Mitchell Laws 2000
Franco Modigliani Humane Letters 1986
Arnoldo D. Momigliano Humane Letters 1977
Walter F. Mondale Laws 1981
John Usher Monro Humane Letters 1969
Arthur Ernest Morgan Laws 1972
Errol Morris Humane Letters 2011
Robert Morris Humane Letters 1984
David Abner Morse Humane Letters 1971
Antonio Muñoz Molina Humane Letters 2010
Joseph S. Murphy Humane Letters 1988
Edward Roscoe Murrow Laws 1959
Alva Myrdal Laws 1974
Gunnar Karl Myrdal Laws 1961
Ernest Nagel Science 1965
John William Nason Laws 1958
Allen H. Neuharth Humane Letters 1988
Louise Nevelson Humane Letters 1985
Allardyce Nicoll Humane Letters 1965
Philip J. Noel-Baker Laws 1960
Jessye Norman Music 1988
Ralph Norman Master of Arts 1977
Joyce Carol Oates Humane Letters 2007
Conor Cruise O'Brien Humane Letters 1995
Severo Ochoa Science 1965
Michael B. Oren Laws 2010
Bernard Osher Humane Letters 2004
Yotam Ottolenghi Humane Letters 2015
Amos Oz Humane Letters 1998
Cynthia Ozick Humane Letters 1990
Rejendra Kumar Pachauri Humane Letters 2009
Princess Ashraf Pahlavi Laws 1969
Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit Humane Letters 1963
Joseph Papp Creative Arts 1988
Franklin K. Patterson Laws 1972
Chaim L. Pekeris Science 1965
Claiborne DeBorda Pell Laws 1987
Nancy Pelosi Laws 2003
Shimon Peres Laws 1997
Martin Peretz Humane Letters 1989
Chaim Peri Humane Letters 2013
Frances Perkins Humane Letters 1961
Itzhak Perlman Humane Letters 1982
Louis Perlmutter Humane Letters 1995
Henri Peyre Humane Letters 1975
Jean Piaget Humane Letters 1962
Thomas R. Pickering Laws 2015
Clarence E. Pickett Humane Letters 1960
Gerard Piel Science 1965
Sylvia Laura Poggioli Humane Letters 2000
Justine Wise Polier Laws 1985
Joseph W. Polisi Fine Arts 2012
Jack I. Poses Laws 1968
Lillian L. Poses Humane Letters 1986
Jacob Samuel Potofsky Laws 1969
Frank Press Science 1987
Hollis Freeman Price Laws 1958
Joseph M. Proskauer Laws 1955
Norman Saul Rabb Humane Letters 1958
Sidney R. Rabb Humane Letters 1977
Isidor Isaac Rabi Science 1965
Yitzhak Rabin Laws 1968
Itamar Rabinovich Laws 1994
Eugene Rabinowitch Humane Letters 1960
Mitchell T. Rabkin Science 1983
Asa Philip Randolph Laws 1969
Gustav Ranis Humane Letters 1982
Max Ratner Humane Letters 1994
Esther Raushenbush Laws 1972
Paul C. Reinert Humane Letters 1975
Jehuda Reinharz Humane Letters 2011
Edwin O. Reischauer Laws 1967
Harry Remis Humane Letters 1978
James Barrett Reston Laws 1964
Adrienne Rich Humane Letters 1987
Elliot Lee Richardson Humane Letters 1971
Hyman G. Rickover Science 1983
Simon H. Rifkind Laws 1977
John P. Roche Humane Letters 1987
Richard Rodgers Laws 1965
Felix G. Rohatyn Humane Letters 1987
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt Humane Letters 1954
Edward Rose Humane Letters 1971
Ruth Goodman Rose Humane Letters 1988
Walter A. Rosenblith Science 1988
Lewis S. Rosenstiel Science 1970
Henry Rosovsky Humane Letters 1984
Dennis B. Ross Laws 2010
Mstislav Rostropovich Humane Letters 1999
Philip Roth Humane Letters 1991
Samuel Rothberg Humane Letters 1981
Michel P. Roux Humane Letters 1991
Warren B. Rudman Laws 1987
Howard Rusk Science 1978
Madeleine H. Russell Humane Letters 1986
William Fenton Russell Humane Letters 2001
Bayard Rustin Humane Letters 1985
Abram Leon Sachar Laws 1968
Thelma H. Sachar Humane Letters 1994
Moshe Safdie Humane Letters 1999
Lily Safra Humane Letters 2005
Irving Salomon Laws 1973
Leverett Saltonstall Laws 1958
William G. Saltonstall Humane Letters 1968
Louis Harry Salvage Humane Letters 1969
Maurice Samuel Humane Letters 1964
Michael J. Sandel Humane Letters 2000
Maurice Saval Humane Letters 1985
Arthur M. Schlesinger Laws 1963
Arthur M. Schlesinger Humane Letters 1988
Irving Schneider Humane Letters 1983
William Schneider Humane Letters 2008
Gershom Gerhard Scholem Humane Letters 1980
Daniel Schorr Humane Letters 1995
Charles I. Schottland Laws 1972
William Howard Schuman Humane Letters 1962
Elaine Schuster Humane Letters 2013
David Schwartz Humane Letters 1981
Joseph Joshua Schwartz Humane Letters 1960
Julian Schwinger Science 1973
Amartya Sen Humane Letters 2012
Roger H. Sessions Laws 1965
Carl J. Shapiro Humane Letters 2003
Irving Shapiro Humane Letters 1982
Morris S. Shapiro Humane Letters 1954
Robert Shapiro Humane Letters 1992
Natan Sharansky Humane Letters 1992
Isaiah Leo Sharfman Laws 1964
Malcolm L. Sherman Humane Letters 2014
Robert Sargent Shriver Laws 1962
George P. Shultz Laws 1998
Mimi H. Silbert Humane Letters 2006
Beverly Sills Music 1988
Paul F. Simon Humane Letters 2010
Jaime Sin Humane Letters 1984
Isaac Bashevis Singer Humane Letters 1984
Maxine Frank Singer Science 1988
Alan Slifka Humane Letters 2003
Samuel Slosberg Laws 1965
C. Ruggles Smith Laws 1976
Margaret Chase Smith Laws 1963
Stephen J. Solarz Humane Letters 1992
Steven Speilberg Creative Arts 1986
David F. Squire Humane Letters 1996
Adin Steinsaltz Humane Letters 1999
Joan A. Steitz Humane Letters 2002
Frank Stella Fine Arts 1986
Krister Stendahl Humane Letters 1981
Adlai Stevenson Humane Letters 1961
Julius Adams Stratton Laws 1959
Barbra Joan Streisand Humane Letters 1995
Samuel N. Stroum Humane Letters 1997
Helen Suzman Laws 1981
Judy Swartz Humane Letters 2006
Sidney Swartz Humane Letters 2006
Benjamin H. Swig Humane Letters 1966
Mary Elizabeth Switzer Humane Letters 1970
Marie Syrkin Humane Letters 1979
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Science 1965
Leo Szilard Humane Letters 1961
Robert Szold Humane Letters 1956
Charles Phelps Taft Humane Letters 1961
Hassan bin Talal Humane Letters 2006
Telford Taylor Laws 1988
Samuel O. Thier Humane Letters 1994
Paul J. Tillich Humane Letters 1955
Lionel Trilling Humane Letters 1974
Harry S. Truman Laws 1957
Desmond M. Tutu Humane Letters 2000
Karen Uhlenbeck Science 2008
Liv Ullman Humane Letters 1993
John Updike Humane Letters 1988
Cyrus Roberts Vance Laws 1971
Simone Veil Humane Letters 1990
Helen Hennessy Vendler Humane Letters 2015
Galina Vishnevskaya Humane Letters 1999
John Anthony Volpe Humane Letters 1967
Selman A. Waksman Science 1954
Michael Patrick Walsh Laws 1963
Michael L. Walzer Humane Letters 1981
Edward M.M. Warburg Laws 1955
Barbara Lady Ward Laws 1961
Earl Warren Laws 1956
Lew R. Wasserman Humane Letters 1984
James Dewey Watson Science 1973
André Watts Music 1989
James Edwin Webb Science 1965
Max Weber Humane Letters 1957
Lewis H. Weinstein Humane Letters 1986
Meyer Wolfe Weisgal Science 1969
Victor F. Weisskopf Science 1983
Eudora Welty Humane Letters 1979
Stef Wertheimer Humane Letters 2009
Nils Y. Wessell Humane Letters 1961
Leslie Herbert Wexner Humane Letters 1988
Clifton R. Wharton Humane Letters 1981
Lawrence Arthur Wien Laws 1962
Elie Wiesel Humane Letters 1980
Leon Wieseltier Humane Letters 2013
Jerome B. Wiesner Science 1965
Blenda J. Wilson Humane Letters 2006
Barton J. Winokur Humane Letters 2001
Edward Witten Science 1987
James D. Wolfensohn Humane Letters 2004
Sheldon M. Wolff Science 1993
Harry Austryn Wolfson Humane Letters 1958
Isaac Wolfson Laws 1969
Donald Woods Humane Letters 1978
C. Vann Woodward Humane Letters 1983
Robert Burns Woodward Science 1965
Charles E. Wyzanski Laws 1956
Yigael Yadin Humane Letters 1959
Andrew J. Young Humane Letters 1978
Jerrold Zacharias Science 1985
Leonard P. Zakim Humane Letters 1996
Oscar Zariski Science 1965

