Anexo:Bibliografía de Ronald Fisher

Ronald Fisher como niño
Ronald Fisher en su ceremonia de graduación en la Universidad de Cambridge

La Bibliografía de Ronald Fisher contiene las obras publicadas por el estadístico y biólogo inglés Ronald Fisher (1890 – 1962).


  • Statistical Methods for Research Workers. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd. 1925. 
  • The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1930. 
  • (with F Yates) The Design of Experiments. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd. 1935. 
  • Statistical Tables for Biological Agricultural and Medical Research. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd. 1938. 
  • Theory of Inbreeding. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd. 1949. 
  • Contributions to mathematical statistics. New York: Wiley. 1950. 
  • Statistical Methods and Scientific Inference. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd. 1956. 

Capítulos en libros

  • Heath, AE, ed. (1951). «Statistics». Scientific Thought in the Twentieth Century. London: Watts & Company. 
  • Huxley, J; Hardy, AC; Ford, EB, eds. (1954). «Retrospect of criticisms of the theory of natural selection». Evolution as a process. London: Allen & Unwin. pp. 84-98. 


  • Bennett, JH, ed. (1971). Collected papers of R.A. Fisher. University of Adelaide. 
  • Bennett, JH, ed. (1990). Statistical Methods, Experimental Design and Scientific Inference. Oxford University Press. 

Artículos en revistas

Fisher en 1912.
Ronald Fisher en 1913.
Años 1910
Años 1920
Años 1930
Años 1940
Años 1950
Años 1960
  • «Scientific Thought and the Refinement of Human Reasoning». Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan 3. 1960. 
  • «On Some Extensions of Bayesian Inference Proposed by Mr. Lindley». Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 22: 299-301. 1960. 
  • (with EA Cornish) Fisher, Sir Ronald A.; Cornish, E. A. (1960). «The Percentile Points of Distributions Having Known Cumulants». Technometrics 2 (2): 209-225. doi:10.1080/00401706.1960.10489895. 
  • «Possible Differentiation in the Wild Population of Oenothera Organesis». Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 14: 76-78. 1961. 
  • Fisher, R (1961). «A Model for the Generation of Self-Sterility Alleles». Journal of Theoretical Biology 1: 411-414. PMID 13893275. 
  • «The Weighted Mean of Two Normal Samples with Unknown Variance Ratio». Sankhya 23: 103-114. 1961. 
  • «Sampling the Reference Set». Sankhya 23. 1961. 
  • Fisher, Sir Ronald A. (1962). «Confidence Limits for a Cross-Product Ratio». Australian Journal of Statistics 4: 41. doi:10.1111/j.1467-842X.1962.tb00285.x. 
  • «The Place of the Design of Experiments in the Logic of Scientific Inference». Colloques Internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique: 13-19. 1962. 
  • Fisher, Ronald A. (1962). «Enumeration and Classification in Polysomic Inheritance». Journal of Theoretical Biology 2 (3): 309-311. doi:10.1016/0022-5193(62)90033-4. 
  • «Self-Sterility Alleles: a Reply to Professor D Lewis». Journal of Theoretical Biology 3: 146-147. 1962. doi:10.1016/s0022-5193(62)80011-3. 
  • Fisher, R.A. (1962). «The Detection of a Sex Difference in Recombination Values Using Double Heterozygotes». Journal of Theoretical Biology 3 (3): 509-513. doi:10.1016/S0022-5193(62)80042-3. 
  • «The Simultaneous Distribution of Correlation Coefficients». Sankhya 24. 1962. 
  • «Some Examples of Bayes' Method of the Experimental Determination of Probabilities a Priori». Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 24: 118-124. 1962. 

