Anexo:Bibliografía de Isaac Asimov (por categorías)
La carrera de Isaac Asimov puede dividirse en varios períodos. En sus primeros años el tema dominante fue la ciencia ficción, iniciándose con cuentos en 1939. En 1950 publicó su primera novela, Un guijarro en el cielo. Esta etapa duró hasta 1958, terminando con la publicación de El sol desnudo. Posteriormente disminuyó de manera importante su producción de libros de ficción mientras se dedicaba a otros temas y en los siguientes 25 años publicó solamente cuatro libros de ciencia ficción. A partir de 1982, se inició la segunda etapa de su actividad en la ciencia ficción con la publicación de Los límites de la Fundación. Desde entonces y hasta su muerte, Asimov publicaría muchas secuelas de sus novelas ya escritas, dándoles un tratamiento de conjunto en una forma que seguramente él mismo no había previsto. Se estima en 10 los libros escritos por Asimov.
Asimov pensaba que sus contribuciones más duraderas serían las tres leyes de la robótica y la Serie de la Fundación (véase Yours, Isaac Asimov, p. 329). Más aún, el Diccionario de inglés de Oxford le da crédito al introducir las palabras positrónico, psicohistoria y robótica en el idioma inglés. La primera de estas palabras se aplica a una tecnología enteramente ficticia, aunque basada en el nombre de la partícula subatómica de antimateria opuesta al electrón, el positrón, mientras que la segunda se utiliza con frecuencia en un sentido diferente al empleado por Asimov; sin embargo, el uso de robótica continúa aplicándose con el sentido dado por Asimov.
Estas son las obras de Isaac Asimov ordenadas por categorías.
Ciencia ficción
editarSerie de la Gran Fundación (Greater Foundation):
- Serie de los robots, o Ciclo de la Tierra (The Robot):
- Las bóvedas de acero, o Bóvedas de acero (The Caves of Steel) (1954)
- El sol desnudo (The Naked Sun) (1957)
- Los robots del amanecer, o Los robots de Aurora (The Robots of Dawn) (1983)
- Robots e Imperio (Robots and Empire) (1985)
- Serie del Imperio Galáctico (Galactic Empire):
- En la arena estelar, o Rebelión en la galaxia, o Polvo de estrellas (The Stars, Like Dust) (1951)
- Las corrientes del espacio (The Currents of Space) (1952)
- Un guijarro en el cielo (Pebble in the Sky) (1950)
- Serie de la Fundación (Foundation):
- Trilogía de la Fundación, o Ciclo de Trántor (Foundation):
- Fundación (Foundation) (1951)
- Fundación e Imperio (Foundation and Empire, o The Man Who Upset the Universe) (1952)
- Segunda Fundación (Second Foundation) (1953)
- Serie Fundación extendida (Extended Foundation):
- Los límites de la Fundación (Foundation's Edge) (1982)
- Fundación y Tierra (Foundation and Earth) (1986)
- Serie Precuelas de la Fundación (Fundation prequels):
- Preludio a la Fundación (Prelude to Foundation) (1988)
- Hacia la Fundación (Forward the Foundation) (1993), publicada póstumamente
- Trilogía de la Fundación, o Ciclo de Trántor (Foundation):
- El fin de la Eternidad (The End of Eternity) (1955) (*)
- Viaje alucinante (Fantastic Voyage) (1966), novelización de la película Fantastic Voyage
- Los propios dioses (The Gods Themselves) (1972)
- Viaje alucinante 2: Destino cerebro (Fantastic Voyage II: Destination Brain) (1987), no es una secuela de Viaje alucinante sino una historia similar e independiente
- Némesis (Nemesis) (1989) (*)
- Anochecer (Nightfall) (1990), con Robert Silverberg, basada en la novela corta "Anochecer" de Asimov
- Hijo del tiempo (Child of Time) (1992), con Robert Silverberg, basada en la novela corta "El chiquillo feo" de Asimov
- El robot humano (The Positronic Man) (1992) (*), con Robert Silverberg, basada en la novela corta "El hombre bicentenario" de Asimov
(*) Estas novelas tienen conexiones menores con el Universo de la Fundación.
Novelas juveniles
editarSerie Lucky Starr (como Paul French):
- Lucky Starr. El ranger del espacio (David Starr, Space Ranger) (1952)
- Lucky Starr. Los piratas de los asteroides (Lucky Starr and the Pirates of the Asteroids) (1953)
- Lucky Starr. Los océanos de Venus (Lucky Starr and the Oceans of Venus) (1954)
- Lucky Starr. El gran sol de Mercurio (Lucky Starr and the Big Sun of Mercury) (1956)
- Lucky Starr. Las lunas de Júpiter (Lucky Starr and the Moons of Jupiter) (1957)
- Lucky Starr. Los anillos de Saturno (Lucky Starr and the Rings of Saturn) (1958)
Novelas infantiles
editarSerie Crónicas Norby (The Norby Chronicles) (con Janet Asimov):
- Norby el robot extravagante, o Un robot especial (Norby, the Mixed-Up Robot) (1983)
- El otro secreto de Norby (Norby's Other Secret) (1984)
- Norby y la princesa desaparecida (Norby and the Lost Princess) (1985)
- Norby y los invasores (Norby and the Invaders) (1985)
- Norby y el collar de la reina (Norby and the Queen's Necklace) (1986)
- Norby salva al Universo, o Norby salva el Universo (Norby Finds a Villain) (1987)
- Norby regresa a la Tierra (Norby Down to Earth) (1989)
- La gran aventura de Norby (Norby and Yobo's Great Adventure) (1989)
- Norby and the Oldest Dragon (1990)
- Norby and the Court Jester (1991)
La serie Crónicas Norby tiene una última novela, Norby and the Terrified Taxi (1997), escrita solo por Janet Asimov tras la muerte de Isaac Asimov.
editarTodos los cuentos
editarSerie Brandon, Shea & Moore:
- "Varados frente a Vesta", o "Aislados de Vesta", o "A la deriva sobre Vesta" ("Marooned off Vesta", o "Marooned Off Vesta") (1939)
- "Aniversario" ("Anniversary") (1959), también de la serie Multivac
Serie El mestizo (Half-Breed):
- "Mestizo" ("Half-Breed") (1940), novela corta
- "Mestizos en Venus" ("Half-Breeds on Venus") (1940), novela corta
Serie Homo Sol:
- "Homo Sol" (1940)
- "El número imaginario" ("The Imaginary") (1942)
- "La novatada" ("The Hazing") (1942)
Serie de la Fundación (Greater Foundation):
- Serie de los robots, o Ciclo de la Tierra (The Robot):
- 0.5 (precuelas):
- "Robbie" ("Robbie", o "Strange Playfellow") (1940)
- "¡Embustero!" ("Liar!") (1941)
- "Razón" ("Reason") (1941)
- "El robot AL-76 se extravía", o "Robot AL-76, a la deriva", o "Robot Al-76 va a la deriva", o "Robot AL-76 extraviado" ("Robot AL-76 Goes Astray") (1942)
- "Círculo vicioso" ("Runaround") (1942), novela corta
- "Victoria impremeditada", o "Victoria inintencionada", o "Victoria accidental" ("Victory Unintentional") (1942), también de la serie Jovians #2
- "Atrapa esa liebre" ("Catch that Rabbit") (1944)
- "¡Fuga!" ("Escape!") (1945)
- "Evidencia" ("Evidence") (1946), novela corta
- "Pequeño robot perdido" ("Little Lost Robot") (1947), novela corta
- "El conflicto evitable" ("The Evitable Conflict") (1950), novela corta
- "Satisfacción garantizada" ("Satisfaction Guaranteed") (1951)
- "Sally" (1953)
- "Primera Ley" ("First Law") (1956)
- "Riesgo" ("Risk") (1955), novela corta
- "Algún día", o "Un día..." ("Someday") (1956), también de la serie Multivac
- "Esclavo de galeras", o "Galeote", o "Corrector de galeradas", o "Esclavo en galeras" ("Galley Slave") (1957), novela corta
- "Unámonos" ("Let's Get Together") (1957)
- "Lenny" (1958)
- "Segregacionista", o "Segregacionismo", o "El racista" ("Segregationist") (1967)
- "Intuición femenina" ("Feminine Intuition") (1969), novela corta
- "Versos luminosos", o "Rima ligera" ("Light verse") (1973)
- "Un extraño en el paraíso", o "Extraño en el paraíso" ("Stranger in Paradise") (1974), novela corta
- "Qué es el Hombre", o "¿Qué es el Hombre?", o "¡Para que sepas preocuparte por él!", o "...Para que de él tengas memoria" ("...That Thou Art Mindful of Him", o "That Thou Art Mindful of Him", o "-That Thou Art Mindful of Him!") (1974), novela corta
- "El mejor amigo de un muchacho", o "El mejor amigo del niño" ("A Boy's Best Friend") (1975)
- "Punto de vista" ("Point of View") (1975), también de la serie Multivac
- "El incidente del tricentenario" ("The Tercentenary Incident") (1976)
- "¡Piensa!", o "¡Está pensando!" ("Think!") (1977), también de la serie Multivac
- "Amor verdadero" ("True Love") (1977), también de la serie Multivac
- "Sueños de robot" ("Robot Dreams") (1986)
- "Navidades sin Rodney" ("Christmas Without Rodney") (1988)
- "¡Muy mal! (¡Que pena!)", o "¡Qué lástima!" ("Too Bad!") (1989)
- "Cal" (1990), novela corta
- "El hermanito" ("Kid Brother") (1990)
- "Visiones de robot", o "Visiones de un robot", o "Visiones del robot" ("Robot Visions") (1990)
- 0.6. (precuela) "El hombre bicentenario", o "El hombre del bicentenario" ("The Bicentennial Man") (1976), novela corta
- 0.7. (precuela) "Madre Tierra" ("Mother Earth") (1949), novela corta
- 2.5. "Imagen en un espejo", o "Espejo-Imagen", o "Reflejo exacto", o "Reflejo simétrico", o "Imagen especular" ("Mirror Image") (1972)
- 0.5 (precuelas):
- Serie del Imperio Galáctico (Galactic Empire):
- 4. "Callejón sin salida" ("Blind Alley") (1945)
Serie Jovians:
- "¡No definitivo!" ("Not Final!") (1941)
- "Victoria impremeditada", o "Victoria inintencionada", o "Victoria accidental" ("Victory Unintentional") (1942), también de la Serie de los robots
Serie Probability Zero:
- "Cronogato" ("Time Pussy") (1942)
- "De izquierda a derecha" ("Left to Right") (1987)
- "Left to Right, and Beyond" (1987), con Harrison Roth
Serie La tiotimolina (Thiotimoline):
- "Las propiedades endocrónicas de la tiotimolina resublimada" ("The Endochronic Properties of Resublimated Thiotimoline") (1948)
- "The Micropsychiatric Applications of Thiotimoline" (1953)
- "La Tiotimolina y la Era Espacial" ("Thiotimoline and the Space Age") (1960)
- "Tiotimolina hacia las estrellas", o "Tiotimolina para las estrellas" ("Thiotimoline to the Stars") (1973)
Serie Multivac:
- "Sufragio universal", o "Derecho político", o "Privilegio" ("Franchise") (1955)
- "Question" (1955)
- "El chistoso", o "Chancero" ("Jokester") (1956)
- "Algún día", o "Un día..." ("Someday") (1956), también de la Serie de los robots
- "El pasado muerto" ("The Dead Past") (1956), novela corta
- "La última pregunta" ("The Last Question") (1956)
- "Todos los males del mundo", o "Todos los problemas del mundo", o "Todo el dolor del mundo" ("All the Troubles of the World") (1958)
- "Aniversario" ("Anniversary") (1959), también de la serie Brandon, Shea & Moore #2
- "Mi hijo, el físico" ("My Son, the Physicist", o "My Son, the Physicist!") (1961)
- "La máquina que ganó la guerra" ("The Machine that Won the War") (1961)
- "Factor clave", o "El detalle" ("Key Item", o "The Computer That Went On Strike") (1968)
- "Punto de vista" ("Point of View") (1975), también de la Serie de los robots
- "Vida y obra de Multivac", o "Vida y tiempos de Multivac" ("The Life and Times of Multivac") (1975)
- "¡Piensa!", o "¡Está pensando!" ("Think!") (1977), también de la Serie de los robots
- "Amor verdadero" ("True Love") (1977), también de la Serie de los robots
- "Se está acercando" ("It Is Coming") (1979)
- "Potencial" ("Potential") (1983)
- "Alucinación" ("Hallucination") (1985), novela corta
Serie Dream:
- "The Dream" (1974)
- "Benjamin's Dream" (1974)
- "Party by Satellite", o "The Third Dream" (1974)
- "Benjamin's Bicentennial Blast", o "The Fourth Dream" (1974)
Serie Azazel:
- "Getting Even" (1980), también de la serie Union Club Mysteries
- "Una noche de canto" ("One Night of Song") (1982)
- "El sordo rumor" ("The Dim Rumble") (1982)
- "La sonrisa que pierde" ("The Smile That Loses") (1982)
- "Al vencedor" ("To the Victor") (1982)
- "Salvando a la humanidad" ("Saving Humanity") (1983)
- "Una cuestión de principios" ("A Matter of Principle") (1984)
- "Deslizarse sobre la nieve" ("Dashing Through the Snow") (1984)
- "El mal que hace la bebida" ("The Evil Drink Does") (1984)
- "Tiempo para escribir" ("Writing Time") (1984)
- "Viaja más rápido", o "El viajero más rápido" ("He Travels the Fastest") (1985)
- "La lógica es la lógica" ("Logic Is Logic") (1985)
- "Más cosas en el Cielo y en la Tierra", o "Hay más cosas en el Cielo y en la Tierra" ("More Things in Heaven and Earth") (1986)
- "Los ojos del que mira, El ojo del observador" ("The Eye of the Beholder") (1986)
- "La estructura de la mente" ("The Mind's Construction") (1986)
- "Galatea" (1987)
- "Las peleas de primavera" ("The Fights of Spring") (1987)
- "Vuelo de fantasía" ("Flight of Fancy") (1988)
- "Adoro a mi gatita" ("I Love Little Pussy") (1988)
- "El demonio de dos centímetros" ("The Two-Centimeter Demon") (1988)
- "The Mad Scientist" (1989)
- "To Your Health" (1989)
- "The Time Traveler" (1990)
- "Wine Is a Mocker" (1990)
- "Baby, It's Cold Outside" (1991)
- "It's a Job" (1991)
- "Críticos en la hoguera" ("The Critic on the Hearth") (1992)
- "Marcha contra el enemigo" ("March Against the Foe") (1994)
- "Un arma demasiado terrible para emplear" ("The Weapon Too Dreadful to Use") (1939)
- "Opinión pública" ("Trends") (1939)
- "Un anillo alrededor del Sol" ("Ring Around the Sun") (1940)
- "La amenaza de Calixto" ("The Callistan Menace") (1940)
- "La magnífica posesión" ("The Magnificent Possession") (1940)
- "Herencia" ("Heredity") (1941), novela corta
- "Historia" ("History") (1941)
- "Anochecer" ("Nightfall") (1941), novela corta
- "Super-Neutrón" ("Super-Neutron") (1941)
- "El sentido secreto" ("The Secret Sense") (1941)
- "Fraile negro de la llama" ("Black Friar of the Flame") (1942), novela corta
- "Navidad en Ganímedes" ("Christmas on Ganymede") (1942)
- "The Weapon" (1942), como H. B. Ogden
- "Sentencia de muerte" ("Death Sentence") (1943)
- "¡No hay relación!" ("No Connection") (1948)
- "La carrera de la reina encarnada" ("The Red Queen's Race") (1949), novela corta
- "Sala de billar darwiniana" ("Darwinian Pool Room") (1950)
- "El día de los cazadores" ("Day of the Hunters") (1950)
- "Lunares verdes" ("Green Patches", o "Misbegotten Missionary") (1950)
- "Ritos legales" ("Legal Rites") (1950), con Frederik Pohl, novela corta
- "El hombrecillo del metro" ("The Little Man on the Subway") (1950)
- "Sobre los ángeles", o "¿Se cría allí un hombre?", o "¿Criar un hombre...?", o "Creced y multiplicaos", o "¿Se engendra ahí el hombre?", o "¿Creced y multiplicaos...?" ("Breeds There a Man...?") (1951), novela corta
- "Héroe imprevisto", o "Tobogán C", o "Historia bélica", o "Conducto C", o "Conducto E" ("C-Chute", o "The C-Chute") (1951), novela corta
- "Huésped", o "Anfitriona" ("Hostess") (1951), novela corta
- "Por Dios y por la Patria" ("In a Good Cause-", o " 'In a Good Cause—' ", o "In a Good Cause") (1951), novela corta
- "El Sha Guido G." ("Shah Guido G.") (1951)
- "¡Cómo se divertían!", o "Cómo se divertían", o "Lo bien que se lo pasaron", o "Cuánto se divertían", o "Como se divertían", o "Lo bien que se lo pasaban", o "Lo bien que lo pasaban" ("The Fun They Had") (1951)
- "En lo profundo" ("The Deep") (1952), novela corta
- "A lo marciano", o "El sistema marciano" ("The Martian Way") (1952), novela corta
- "Alternativas" ("What If-", o "What If...", o "What If") (1952)
- "Juventud" ("Youth") (1952), novela corta
- "Creencia" ("Belief") (1953), novela corta
- "Button, Button" (1953)
- "Everest" (1953)
- "Moscas" ("Flies") (1953)
- "Cosas de niños" ("Kid Stuf") (1953)
- "Rebelión" ("Nobody Here But-", o "Nobody Here But") (1953)
- "El dedo del mono" ("The Monkey's Finger") (1953)
- "No cejemos" ("Let's Not") (1954)
- "Engañabobos" ("Sucker Bait") (1954), novela corta
- "El bardo inmortal" ("The Immortal Bard") (1954)
- "La pausa" ("The Pause") (1954)
- "El soñar es una cuestión privada" ("Dreaming Is a Private Thing") (1955)
- "Dreamworld" (1955)
- "¡Es un día tan bonito!", o "Érase un hermoso día", o "Un día tan hermoso" ("It's Such a Beautiful Day") (1955), novela corta
- "La trompeta final" ("The Last Trump") (1955)
- "The Portable Star" (1955)
- "Todos exploradores" ("Each an Explorer") (1956)
- "Treta tridimensional" ("Gimmicks Three", o "The Brazen Locked Room") (1956)
- "Fuego infernal" ("Hell-Fire", o "Hell Fire") (1956)
- "Espacio vital" ("Living Space") (1956)
- "Pâté de Foie Gras" (1956)
- "El mensaje" ("The Message") (1956)
- "El paraje acuoso" ("The Watery Place") (1956)
- "Una estratagema inédita" ("A Loint of Paw") (1957)
- "A Woman's Heart" (1957)
- "¡En blanco!" ("Blank!") (1957)
- "¿Le importa a una abeja?" ("Does a Bee Care?") (1957)
- "A las ideas les cuesta morir" ("Ideas Die Hard") (1957), novela corta
- "En Puerto Marte y sin Hilda", o "Estoy en Puertomarte sin Hilda" ("I'm in Marsport Without Hilda") (1957)
- "Insertar la pieza A en el espacio B" ("Insert Knob A in Hole B") (1957)
- "Esquirol", o "Rompehuelgas", u "Hombre contra mundo" ("Male Strikebreaker", o "Strikebreaker") (1957)
- "Profesión" ("Profession") (1957), novela corta
- "Los buitres bondadosos" ("The Gentle Vultures") (1957)
- "Compre Júpiter" ("Buy Jupiter", o "Buy Jupiter!") (1958)
- "Asnos estúpidos" ("Silly Asses") (1958)
- "Escriba mi nombre con una S", o "Mi nombre se escribe con S" ("Spell My Name with an S", o "S as in Zebatinsky") (1958)
- "Sensación de poder", o "La sensación de poder" ("The Feeling of Power") (1958)
- "El chiquillo feo", o "El niño feo" ("The Ugly Little Boy", o "Lastborn") (1958), novela corta
- "El brujo al día" ("The Up-to-Date Sorcerer") (1958)
- "Una estatua para papá" ("A Statue for Father") (1959)
- "Nota necrológica" ("Obituary") (1959)
- "Lluvia, lluvia, vete lejos" ("Rain, Rain, Go Away") (1959)
- "Cuarta generación" ("Unto the Fourth Generation") (1959)
- "The Covenant" (1960), cuento colaborativo entre cinco escritores (Poul Anderson, Isaac Asimov, Robert Sheckley, Murray Leinster, Robert Bloch)
- "Eso llamado amor" ("What Is This Thing Called Love?", o "Playboy and the Slime God") (1961)
- "Luz estelar" ("Star Light", o "Starlight!") (1962)
- "¡Autor! ¡Autor!" ("Author! Author!") (1964), novela corta
- "Los ojos hacen algo más que ver" ("Eyes Do More Than See") (1965)
- "Padre fundador" ("Founding Father") (1965)
- "The Man Who Made the 21st Century" (1965)
- "La bola de billar" ("The Billiard Ball") (1967), novela corta
- "Exiliados al infierno", o "Pena capital", o "Exilio en el infierno" ("Exile to Hell") (1968)
- "The Holmes-Ginsbook Device" (1968)
- "El estudio adecuado" ("The Proper Study") (1968)
- "2430 d. de C." ("2430 A.D.") (1970)
- "Tromba de agua" ("Waterclap") (1970), novela corta
- "The Best New Thing" (1971)
- "Coja una cerilla" ("Take a Match") (1972)
- "El mayor bien" ("The Greatest Asset") (1972)
- "Caza mayor" ("Big Game") (1974)
- "Half-Baked Publisher's Delight" (1974), con Jeffrey S. Hudson
- "Los enviados del cielo" ("The Heavenly Host") (1974)
- "Acerca de nada", o "A propósito de nada" ("About Nothing") (1975)
- "Nace una idea" ("Birth of a Notion") (1976)
- "Buen gusto", o "Buen sabor" ("Good Taste") (1976), novela corta
- "Cuando los santos..." ("Marching In") (1976)
- "Un sistema anticuado" ("Old-fashioned") (1976)
- "La criba" ("The Winnowing") (1976)
- "Absolutamente seguro", o "Una cosa segura" ("Sure Thing") (1977)
- "Decirlo de un vistazo" ("To Tell at a Glance") (1977), novela corta
- "¿Intercambio justo?" ("Fair Exchange?") (1978)
- "¡Localizados!", o "¡Encontrados!" ("Found!") (1978)
- "Cómo ocurrió", o "Cómo sucedió" ("How It Happened") (1979)
- "Nada por nada" ("Nothing for Nothing") (1979)
- "Strike!" (1979)
- "Muerte de un foy" ("Death of a Foy") (1980)
- "Para los pájaros", o "Alas para volar" ("For the Birds") (1980)
- "La última respuesta" ("The Last Answer") (1980)
- "Encajar perfectamente" ("A Perfect Fit") (1981)
- "¡Punto de ignición!", o "Punto de ignición" ("Ignition Point!") (1981)
- "La última lanzadera" ("The Last Shuttle") (1981)
- "Que no sepan que recuerdas", o "Para que no recordemos", o "Por miedo de que recordemos" ("Lest We Remember") (1982), novela corta
- "The Super Runner" (1982)
- "Los vientos del cambio" ("The Winds of Change") (1982)
- "The Ten-Second Election" (1984)
- "Feghoot y los tribunales" ("Feghoot and the Courts", o "Burnside and the Courts") (1986)
- "The Fable of the Three Princes" (1987), novela corta
- "La sonrisa del chipper" ("The Smile of the Chipper") (1988)
- "The Turning Point" (1988)
- "Alexander el Dios" ("Alexander the God") (1989)
- "Adios a la Tierra" ("Good-bye to Earth") (1989)
- "La inestabilidad" ("The Instability") (1989)
- "Intolerancia a las faltas" ("Fault-Intolerant") (1990)
- "En el Cañón" ("In the Canyon") (1990)
- "Frustración" ("Frustration") (1991)
- "Oro" ("Gold") (1991), novela corta
- "Prince Delightful and the Flameless Dragon" (1991)
- "Himno de batalla" ("Battle-Hymn") (1995)
- "Las naciones en el espacio" ("The Nations in Space") (1995)
Colecciones y cuentos no publicados en colecciones
- Yo, robot (I, Robot) (1950), colección de 5 cuentos y 4 novelas cortas de la Serie de los robots:
- "Robbie", "Runaround" (novela corta), "Reason", "Catch That Rabbit", "Liar!", "Little Lost Robot" (novela corta), "Escape!", "Evidence" (novela corta), "The Evitable Conflict" (novela corta)
- A lo marciano, o En lo profundo (The Martian Way and Other Stories) (1955), colección de 4 novelas cortas:
- "The Martian Way", "Youth", "The Deep", "Sucker Bait"
- Con la Tierra nos basta, o El pasado muerto y otros cuentos (Earth is Room Enough) (1957), colección de 14 cuentos, 1 novela corta y 2 poemas:
- "The Dead Past" (novela corta, serie Multivac), "The Foundation of S.F. Success" (poema), "Franchise" (serie Multivac), "Gimmicks Three", "Kid Stuff", "The Watery Place", "Living Space", "The Message", "Satisfaction Guaranteed" (Serie de los robots), "Hell-Fire", "The Last Trump", "The Fun They Had", "Jokester" (serie Multivac), "The Immortal Bard", "Someday" (Serie de los robots, serie Multivac), "The Author's Ordeal" (poema), "Dreaming Is a Private Thing"
- Nueve futuros (Nine Tomorrows) (1959), colección de 6 cuentos, 3 novelas cortas y 2 poemas:
- "I Just Make Them Up, See!" (poema), "Profession" (novela corta), "The Feeling of Power", "The Dying Night" (novela corta, serie Wendell Urth), "I'm in Marsport Without Hilda", "The Gentle Vultures", "All the Troubles of the World" (serie Multivac), "Spell My Name with an S", "The Last Question" (serie Multivac), "The Ugly Little Boy" (novela corta), "Rejection Slips" (poema)
- The Rest of the Robots (1964), colección de 6 cuentos, 2 novelas cortas y 2 novelas de la Serie de los robots:
- "Robot AL-76 Goes Astray", "Victory Unintentional" (también de la serie Jovians #2), "First Law", "Let's Get Together", "Satisfaction Guaranteed", "Risk" (novela corta), "Lenny", "Galley Slave" (novela corta), The Caves of Steel (novela), The Naked Sun (novela)
- Through a Glass, Clearly (1967), colección de 4 novelas cortas:
- "It's Such a Beautiful Day", "Belief", "Breeds There a Man...?", "C-Chute"
- Anochecer y otros cuentos (Nightfall and Other Stories) (1969), colección de 14 cuentos y 6 novelas cortas:
- "Nightfall" (novela corta), "Green Patches", "Hostess" (novela corta), "Breeds There a Man...?" (novela corta), "C-Chute" (novela corta), "In a Good Cause—" (novela corta), "What If—", "Sally" (Serie de los robots), "Flies", "Nobody Here But—", "It's Such a Beautiful Day" (novela corta), "Strikebreaker", "Insert Knob A in Hole B", "The Up-to-Date Sorcerer", "Unto the Fourth Generation", "What Is This Thing Called Love?", "The Machine That Won the War" (serie Multivac), "My Son, the Physicist" (serie Multivac), "Eyes Do More Than See", "Segregationist" (Serie de los robots)
- The Early Asimov (1972), colección de 19 cuentos y 8 novelas cortas:
- "The Callistan Menace", "Ring Around the Sun", "The Magnificent Possession", "Trends", "The Weapon Too Dreadful to Use", "Black Friar of the Flame" (novela corta), "Half-Breed" (novela corta, serie Half-Breed #1), "The Secret Sense", "Homo Sol" (serie Homo Sol #1), "Half-Breeds on Venus" (novela corta, serie Half-Breed #2), "The Imaginary" (serie Homo Sol #2), "Heredity" (novela corta), "History", "Christmas on Ganymede", "The Little Man on the Subway", "The Hazing" (serie Homo Sol #3), "Super-Neutron", "Not Final!" (serie Jovians #1), "Legal Rites" (novela corta), "Time Pussy" (serie Probability Zero), "Author! Author!" (novela corta), "Death Sentence", "Blind Alley" (Serie del Imperio Galáctico #4), "No Connection", "The Endochronic Properties of Resublimated Thiotimoline" (serie La tiotimolina #1), "The Red Queen's Race" (novela corta), "Mother Earth" (novela corta, Serie de los robots)
- Lo mejor de Isaac Asimov (The Best of Isaac Asimov) (1973), colección de 5 cuentos y 7 novelas cortas:
- "Marooned off Vesta" (serie Brandon, Shea & Moore #1), "Nightfall" (novela corta), "C-Chute" (novela corta), "The Martian Way" (novela corta), "The Deep" (novela corta), "The Fun They Had", "The Last Question" (serie Multivac), "The Dead Past" (novela corta, serie Multivac), "The Dying Night" (novela corta, serie Wendell Urth), "Anniversary" (serie Multivac, serie Brandon, Shea & Moore #2), "The Billiard Ball" (novela corta), "Mirror Image" (Serie de los robots #2.5)
- Have You Seen These? (1974), colección de 8 cuentos:
- "Day of the Hunters", "Shah Guido G.", "The Monkey's Finger", "Everest", "The Pause", "Blank!", "Silly Asses", "Rain, Rain, Go Away"
- Compre Júpiter (Buy Jupiter and Other Stories) (1975), colección de 24 cuentos:
- "Darwinian Pool Room", "Day of the Hunters", "Shah Guido G.", "Button, Button", "The Monkey's Finger", "Everest", "The Pause", "Let's Not", "Each an Explorer", "Blank!", "Does a Bee Care?", "Silly Asses", "Buy Jupiter", "A Statue for Father", "Rain, Rain, Go Away", "Founding Father", "Exile to Hell", "Key Item" (serie Multivac), "The Proper Study", "2430 A.D.", "The Greatest Asset", "Take a Match", "Thiotimoline to the Stars" (serie La tiotimolina #4), "Light Verse" (Serie de los robots)
- "The Dream", "Benjamin's Dream" and "Benjamin's Bicentennial Blast" (1976), colección de 3 cuentos de la serie Dream:
- "The Dream" (#1), "Benjamin's Dream" (#2), "Benjamin's Bicentennial Blast" (#4)
- El hombre bicentenario y otros cuentos (The Bicentennial Man and Other Stories) (1976), colección de 6 cuentos, 5 novelas cortas y 1 poema:
- "The Prime of Life" (poema), "Feminine Intuition" (novela corta, Serie de los robots), "Waterclap" (novela corta), "That Thou Art Mindful of Him" (novela corta, Serie de los robots), "Stranger in Paradise" (novela corta, Serie de los robots), "The Life and Times of Multivac" (serie Multivac), "The Winnowing", "The Bicentennial Man" (novela corta, Serie de los robots), "Marching In", "Old-fashioned", "The Tercentenary Incident" (Serie de los robots), "Birth of a Notion"
- 3 by Asimov (1981), colección de 3 cuentos:
- "The Last Answer", "True Love" (Serie de los robots, serie Multivac), "Fair Exchange?"
- El robot completo, o Los robots (The Complete Robot) (1982), colección de 21 cuentos y 10 novelas cortas de la Serie de los robots:
- "A Boy's Best Friend", "Sally", "Someday" (también de la serie Multivac), "Point of View" (también de la serie Multivac), "Think!" (también de la serie Multivac), "True Love" (también de la serie Multivac), "Robot AL-76 Goes Astray", "Victory Unintentional" (serie Jovians #2), "Stranger in Paradise" (novela corta), "Light Verse", "Segregationist", "Robbie", "Let's Get Together", "Mirror Image" (#2.5), "The Tercentenary Incident", "First Law", "Runaround" (novela corta), "Reason", "Catch That Rabbit", "Liar!", "Satisfaction Guaranteed", "Lenny", "Galley Slave" (novela corta), "Little Lost Robot" (novela corta), "Risk" (novela corta), "Escape!", "Evidence" (novela corta), "The Evitable Conflict" (novela corta), "Feminine Intuition" (novela corta), "...That Thou Art Mindful of Him" (novela corta), "The Bicentennial Man" (novela corta)
- Los vientos del cambio (The Winds of Change and Other Stories) (1983), colección de 16 cuentos y 5 novelas cortas:
- "About Nothing", "A Perfect Fit", "Belief" (novela corta), "Death of a Foy", "Fair Exchange?", "For the Birds", "Found!", "Good Taste" (novela corta), "How It Happened", "Ideas Die Hard" (novela corta), "Ignition Point!", "It Is Coming" (serie Multivac), "The Last Answer", "The Last Shuttle", "Lest We Remember" (novela corta), "Nothing for Nothing", "One Night of Song" (serie Azazel), "The Smile That Loses" (serie Azazel), "Sure Thing", "To Tell at a Glance" (novela corta), "The Winds of Change"
- La edad del futuro (The Edge of Tomorrow) (1985), colección de 6 cuentos, 6 novelas cortas y 12 ensayos:
- "Unique Is Where You Find It" (serie Viudos Negros), "The Eureka Phenomenon" (ensayo), "The Feeling of Power", "The Comet That Wasn't" (ensayo), "Found!", "Twinkle, Twinkle, Microwaves" (ensayo), "Pâté de Foie Gras", "The Bridge of the Gods" (ensayo), "Belief" (novela corta), "Euclid's Fifth" (ensayo), "The Plane Truth" (ensayo), "The Billiard Ball" (novela corta), "The Winds of Change", "The Figure of the Fastest" (ensayo), "The Dead Past" (novela corta, serie Multivac), "The Fateful Lightning" (ensayo), "Breeds There a Man...?" (novela corta), "The Man Who Massed the Earth" (ensayo), "Nightfall" (novela corta), "The Planet That Wasn't" (ensayo), "The Ugly Little Boy" (novela corta), "The Three Who Died Too Soon" (ensayo), "The Last Question" (serie Multivac), "The Nobel Prize That Wasn't" (ensayo)
- Cuentos paralelos (The Alternate Asimovs) (1986), colección de 3 borradores:
- Grow Old With Me (novela), "The End of Eternity" (novela corta), "Belief" (cuento)
- Science Fiction by Asimov (1986), colección de 6 cuentos y 1 poema:
- "More Things in Heaven and Earth" (serie Azazel), "Rejection Slips" (poema), "Death of a Foy", "Dashing Through the Snow" (serie Azazel), "Potential" (serie Multivac), "Eyes Do More Than See", "The Dim Rumble" (serie Azazel)
- The Best Science Fiction of Isaac Asimov (1986), colección de 23 cuentos, 3 novelas cortas y 2 poemas:
- "All the Troubles of the World" (serie Multivac), "A Loint of Paw", "The Dead Past" (novela corta, serie Multivac), "Death of a Foy", "Dreaming Is a Private Thing", "Dreamworld", "Eyes Do More Than See", "The Feeling of Power", "Flies", "Found!", "The Foundation of S.F. Success" (poema), "Franchise" (serie Multivac), "The Fun They Had", "How It Happened", "I Just Make Them Up, See!" (poema), "I'm in Marsport Without Hilda", "The Immortal Bard", "It's Such a Beautiful Day" (novela corta), "Jokester" (serie Multivac), "The Last Answer", "The Last Question" (serie Multivac), "My Son, the Physicist" (serie Multivac), "Obituary", "Spell My Name with an S", "Strikebreaker", "Sure Thing", "The Ugly Little Boy" (novela corta), "Unto the Fourth Generation"
- Sueños de robot (Robot Dreams) (1986), colección de 14 cuentos y 7 novelas cortas:
- "Little Lost Robot" (novela corta, Serie de los robots), "Robot Dreams" (Serie de los robots), "Breeds There a Man...?" (novela corta), "Hostess" (novela corta), "Sally" (Serie de los robots), "Strikebreaker", "The Machine that Won the War" (serie Multivac), "Eyes Do More Than See", "The Martian Way" (novela corta), "Franchise" (serie Multivac), "Jokester" (serie Multivac), "The Last Question" (serie Multivac), "Does a Bee Care?", "Light Verse" (Serie de los robots), "The Feeling of Power", "Spell My Name with an S", "The Ugly Little Boy" (novela corta), "The Billiard Ball" (novela corta), "True Love" (Serie de los robots, serie Multivac), "The Last Answer", "Lest We Remember" (novela corta)
- Other Worlds of Isaac Asimov (1987), colección de 2 novels y 12 novelas cortas:
- The Gods Themselves (novel), "The C-Chute" (novela corta), "The Dead Past" (novela corta, serie Multivac), "Hostess" (novela corta), " 'In a Good Cause—' " (novela corta), "The Key" (novela corta, serie Wendell Urth), "Lest We Remember" (novela corta), "The Martian Way" (novela corta), "Nightfall" (novela corta), "Profession" (novela corta), "Sucker Bait" (novela corta), "The Ugly Little Boy" (novela corta), "Youth" (novela corta), The End of Eternity (novel)
- Azazel (1988), colección de 18 cuentos de la serie Azazel:
- "The Two-Centimeter Demon", "One Night of Song", "The Smile That Loses", "To the Victor", "The Dim Rumble", "Saving Humanity", "A Matter of Principle", "The Evil Drink Does", "Writing Time", "Dashing Through the Snow", "Logic Is Logic", "He Travels the Fastest", "The Eye of the Beholder", "More Things in Heaven and Earth", "The Mind's Construction", "The Fights of Spring", "Galatea", "Flight of Fancy"
- Crónicas (The Asimov Chronicles: Fifty Years of Isaac Asimov) (1989), colección de 32 cuentos, 16 novelas cortas y 2 ensayos:
- "Marooned Off Vesta" (serie Brandon, Shea & Moore #1), "Robbie", "Nightfall" (novela corta), "Runaround" (novela corta, Serie de los robots), "Death Sentence", "Catch That Rabbit", "Blind Alley" (Serie del Imperio Galáctico #4), "Evidence" (novela corta), "Little Lost Robot" (novela corta, Serie de los robots), "No Connection", "The Red Queen's Race" (novela corta), "Green Patches", "Breeds There a Man ... ?" (novela corta), "The Martian Way" (novela corta), "Sally" (Serie de los robots), "The Fun They Had", "Franchise" (serie Multivac), "The Last Question" (serie Multivac), "Profession" (novela corta), "The Ugly Little Boy" (novela corta), "Unto the Fourth Generation", "Thiotimoline and the Space Age" (serie La tiotimolina #3), "The Machine That Won the War" (serie Multivac), "My Son, the Physicist!" (serie Multivac), "T-Formation" (ensayo), "Author! Author!" (novela corta), "Eyes Do More Than See", "The Key" (novela corta, serie Wendell Urth), "The Billiard Ball" (novela corta), "Exile to Hell", "Feminine Intuition" (novela corta, Serie de los robots), "A Problem of Numbers", "Bill and I" (ensayo), "Mirror Image" (Serie de los robots #2.5), "Light Verse" (Serie de los robots), "—That Thou Art Mindful of Him!" (novela corta, Serie de los robots), "Earthset and Evening Star" (serie Viudos Negros), "The Bicentennial Man" (novela corta, Serie de los robots), "True Love" (Serie de los robots, serie Multivac), "Found!", "Nothing for Nothing", "For the Birds", "Ignition Point!", "Lest We Remember" (novela corta), "Saving Humanity" (serie Azazel), "Neither Brute Nor Human" (serie Viudos Negros), "The Fourth Homonym" (serie Viudos Negros), "The Eye of the Beholder" (serie Azazel), "The Quiet Place" (serie Viudos Negros), "I Love Little Pussy" (serie Azazel)
- Visiones de robot (Robot Visions) (1990), colección de 11 cuentos, 7 novelas cortas y 17 ensayos:
- "Introduction: The Robot Chronicles" (ensayo introductorio de 18 páginas)
- Cuentos: "Robot Visions", "Too Bad!", "Robbie", "Reason", "Liar!", "Runaround" (novela corta), "Evidence" (novela corta), "Little Lost Robot" (novela corta), "The Evitable Conflict" (novela corta), "Feminine Intuition" (novela corta), "The Bicentennial Man" (novela corta), "Someday" (Serie de los robots, serie Multivac), "Think!" (Serie de los robots, serie Multivac), "Segregationist", "Mirror Image" (Serie de los robots #2.5), "Lenny", "Galley Slave" (novela corta), "Christmas Without Rodney"
- Ensayos: "Robots I Have Known", "The New Teachers", "Whatever You Wish", "The Friends We Make", "Our Intelligent Tools", "The Machine and the Robot", "The Laws of Robotics", "The New Profession", "The Robot As Enemy?", "Intelligences Together", "My Robots", "The Laws of Humanics", "Cybernetic Organism", "The Sense of Humor", "Robots in Combination", "Future Fantastic"
- Cuentos completos (The Complete Stories):
- Volumen 1 (Volume 1) (1990), colección de 34 cuentos, 10 novelas cortas y 4 poemas publicados anteriormente en las colecciones Con la Tierra nos basta, Nueve futuro y Anochecer y otros cuentos
- Volumen 2 (Volume 2) (1992), colección de 29 cuentos y 11 novelas cortas publicados anteriormente en otras colecciones:
- "Not Final!" (serie Jovians #1), "The Hazing" (serie Homo Sol #3), "Death Sentence", "Blind Alley" (Serie del Imperio Galáctico #4), "Evidence" (novela corta, Serie de los robots), "The Red Queen's Race" (novela corta), "Day of the Hunters", "The Deep" (novela corta), "The Martian Way" (novela corta), "The Monkey's Finger", "The Singing Bell" (serie Wendell Urth), "The Talking Stone" (serie Wendell Urth), "Each an Explorer", "Let's Get Together" (Serie de los robots), "Pâté de Foie Gras", "Galley Slave" (novela corta, Serie de los robots), "Lenny" (Serie de los robots), "A Loint of Paw", "A Statue for Father", "Anniversary" (serie Multivac, serie Brandon, Shea & Moore #2), "Obituary", "Rain, Rain, Go Away", "Star Light", "Founding Father", "The Key" (novela corta, serie Wendell Urth), "The Billiard Ball" (novela corta), "Exile to Hell", "Key Item" (serie Multivac), "Feminine Intuition" (novela corta, Serie de los robots), "The Greatest Asset", "Mirror Image" (Serie de los robots #2.5), "Take a Match", "Light Verse" (Serie de los robots), "Stranger In Paradise" (novela corta, Serie de los robots), ". . . That Thou Art Mindful of Him" (novela corta, Serie de los robots), "The Life and Times of Multivac " (serie Multivac), "The Bicentennial Man" (novela corta, Serie de los robots), "Marching In", "Old-fashioned", "The Tercentenary Incident" (Serie de los robots)
- Gold: The Final Science Fiction Collection (1995), colección publicada póstumamente de 12 cuentos, 3 novelas cortas y 35 ensayos:
- "Part One: The Final Stories" (cuentos): "Cal" (novela corta, Serie de los robots), "Left to Right" (serie Probability Zero), "Frustration", "Hallucination" (novela corta, serie Multivac), "The Instability", "Alexander the God", "In the Canyon", "Good-bye to Earth", "Battle-Hymn", "Feghoot and the Courts", "Fault-Intolerant", "Kid Brother" (Serie de los robots), "The Nations in Space", "The Smile of the Chipper", "Gold" (novela corta)
- "Part Two: On Science Fiction" (ensayos): "The Longest Voyage", "Inventing the Universe", "Flying Saucers and Science Fiction", "Invasion", "The Science Fiction Blowgun", "The Robot Chronicles", "Golden Age Ahead", "The All-Human Galaxy", "Psychohistory", "Science Fiction Series", "Survivors", "Nowhere!", "Outsiders, Insiders", "Science Fiction Anthologies", "The Influence of Science Fiction", "Women and Science Fiction", "Religion and Science Fiction", "Time-Travel"
- "Part Three: On Writing Science Fiction" (ensayos): "Plotting", "Metaphor", "Ideas", "Serials", "The Name of Our Field", "Hints", "Writing for Young People", "Names", "Originality", "Book Reviews", "What Writers Go Through", "Revisions", "Irony", "Plagiarism", "Symbolism", "Prediction", "Best-Seller", "Pseudonyms", "Dialog"
- Magic (1996), colección publicada póstumamente de 10 cuentos, 1 novela corta y 20 ensayos:
- "Part One: The Final Fantasy Stories" (cuentos): "To Your Health" (serie Azazel), "The Critic on the Hearth" (serie Azazel), "It's a Job" (serie Azazel), "Baby, It's Cold Outside" (serie Azazel), "The Time Traveler" (serie Azazel), "Wine Is a Mocker" (serie Azazel), "The Mad Scientist" (serie Azazel), "The Fable of the Three Princes" (novela corta), "March Against the Foe" (serie Azazel), "Northwestward" (serie Viudos Negros), "Prince Delightful and the Flameless Dragon"
- "Part Two: On Fantasy" (ensayos): "Magic", "Sword and Sorcery", "Concerning Tolkien", "In Days of Old", "Giants in the Earth", "When Fantasy Became Fantasy", "The Reluctant Critic", "The Unicorn", "Unknown", "Extraordinary Voyages", "Fairy Tales", "Dear Judy-Lynn", "Fantasy"
- "Part Three: Beyond Fantasy" (ensayos): "Reading and Writing", "The Right Answer", "Ignorance in America", "Knock Plastic!", "Lost in Non-Translation", "Look Long Upon a Monkey", "Thinking About Thinking"
No publicados en colecciones:
- "The Weapon" (1942), como H.B. Ogden
- "The Micropsychiatric Applications of Thiotimoline" (1953), serie La tiotimolina #2
- "Question" (1955), serie Multivac
- "The Portable Star" (1955)
- "A Woman's Heart" (1957)
- "The Covenant" (1960), cuento colaborativo entre cinco escritores (Poul Anderson, Isaac Asimov, Robert Sheckley, Murray Leinster, Robert Bloch)
- "The Man Who Made the 21st Century" (1965)
- "The Holmes-Ginsbook Device" (1968)
- "The Best New Thing" (1971)
- "Caza mayor" ("Big Game") (1974)
- "Half-Baked Publisher's Delight" (1974), con Jeffrey S. Hudson
- "Los enviados del cielo" ("The Heavenly Host") (1974)
- "Party by Satellite", o "The Third Dream" (1974), serie Dream #3
- "Strike!" (1979)
- "Getting Even" (1980), serie Azazel, serie Union Club Mysteries
- "The Super Runner" (1982)
- "The Ten-Second Election" (1984)
- "Left to Right, and Beyond" (1987), con Harrison Roth, serie Probability Zero
- "The Turning Point" (1988)
editar- El negociante de muerte, o Soplo mortal (The Death Dealers, o A Whiff of Death) (1958)
- Asesinato en la convención (Murder at the ABA, o Authorised Murder) (1976)
editarTodos los cuentos
editarSerie Wendell Urth:
- "La campana armoniosa" ("The Singing Bell") (1955)
- "La piedra viviente" ("The Talking Stone") (1955)
- "La noche moribunda", o "Cuando muere la noche" ("The Dying Night") (1956), novela corta
- "La clave" ("The Key") (1966), novela corta
Serie Viudos Negros (Black Widowers):
- "El coleccionista" ("Go, Little Book!", o "The Matchbook Collector") (1972)
- "F como en falsificador" ("Ph as in Phony", o "The Phony Ph.D.") (1972)
- "La risita adquisitiva" ("The Acquisitive Chuckle") (1972)
- "Sólo la verdad y nada más que la verdad" ("Truth to Tell", o "The Man Who Never Told a Lie") (1972)
- "La melodía del inconsciente" ("Yankee Doodle Went to Town") (1972)
- "Temprano, un domingo por la mañana" ("Early Sunday Morning", o "The Biological Clock") (1973)
- "Una advertencia a miss Universo" ("Miss What?", o "A Warning to Miss Earth") (1973)
- "Algo nunca visto" ("Out of Sight", o "The Six Suspects") (1973)
- "El factor más evidente" ("The Obvious Factor") (1973)
- "No apuntes con el dedo" ("The Pointing Finger") (1973)
- "Prohibido fumar" ("No Smoking", o "Confessions of an American Cigarette Smoker") (1974)
- "¡Nada de asesinato!" ("Nothing Like Murder") (1974)
- "Más rápido que la vista" ("Quicker Than the Eye") (1974)
- "La última partida" ("The Curious Omission") (1974)
- "La joya de hierro" ("The Iron Gem", o "A Chip of the Black Stone") (1974)
- "Broadway y sus canciones de cuna" ("The Lullaby of Broadway" (1974)
- "Los tres números" ("The Three Numbers", o "All in the Way You Read It") (1974)
- "Aunque nadie los persiga" ("When No Man Pursueth") (1974)
- "Puesta de tierra y estrella vespertina" ("Earthset and Evening Star") (1975)
- "El sólo y único Oriente" ("The One and Only East") (1975)
- "Viernes 13" ("Friday the Thirteenth") (1976)
- "¡Felicidades!" ("Season's Greetings!", o "Season's Greetings") (1976)
- "La cruz de Lorena" ("The Cross of Lorraine") (1976)
- "Un hombre de familia" ("The Family Man", o "A Case of Income-tax Fraud") (1976)
- "El crimen supremo" ("The Ultimate Crime") (1976)
- "El no abreviado" ("The Unabridged") (1976)
- "El detalle omitido", o "El elemento que faltaba" ("The Missing Item") (1977)
- "La página de deportes" ("The Sports Page") (1977)
- "Al día siguiente" ("The Next Day") (1978)
- "¡No viene al caso!" ("Irrelevance!", o "A Matter of Irrelevance") (1979)
- "No hay peor ciego..." ("None So Blind") (1979)
- "La mirada hacia atrás" ("The Backward Look") (1979)
- "To the Barest" (1979)
- "El segundo nombre" ("Middle Name") (1980)
- "El segundo mejor" ("Second Best") (1980)
- "Sixty Million Trillion Combinations" (1980)
- "The Good Samaritan" (1980)
- "The Woman in the Bar" (1980)
- "The Year of the Action", o "The Gilbert and Sullivan Mystery" (1980)
- "¿Qué hora es?" ("What Time Is It?") (1980)
- "Can You Prove It?" (1981)
- "The Phoenician Bauble" (1982)
- "A Monday in April" (1983)
- "Ni bestia ni ser humano" ("Neither Brute Nor Human") (1984)
- "The Driver" (1984)
- "The Intrusion" (1984)
- "The Redhead" (1984)
- "The Wrong House" (1984)
- "El cuarto homónimo" ("The Fourth Homonym") (1985)
- "El triple diablo" ("Triple Devil") (1985)
- "Que sea único depende de cómo se mire" ("Unique Is Where You Find It") (1985)
- "Crepúsculo sobre el agua" ("Sunset on the Water") (1986)
- "¿Dónde está él?" ("Where Is He?") (1986)
- "El bolso viejo" ("The Old Purse", o "The Snatched Purse") (1987)
- "El lugar tranquilo" ("The Quiet Place") (1988)
- "Al noroeste" ("Un invitado particular) ("Northwestward") (1989)
- "La coartada" ("The Alibi") (1989)
- "El sobre" ("The Envelope") (1989)
- "Lost in a Space Warp" (1990)
- "Police at the Door" (1990)
- "El trébol de cuatro hojas" ("The Four-Leaf Clover") (1990)
- "The Haunted Cabin" (1990)
- "El amuleto" ("The Lucky Piece") (1990)
- "La receta" ("The Recipe") (1990)
- "Yes, but Why?" (1990)
- "The Guest's Guest" (1991)
Serie Larry Mysteries:
- "Un caso de necesidad" ("A Case of Need") (1975)
- "La moneda de Papa Noel" ("Santa Claus Gets a Coin") (1975)
- "Alberto Saura" ("Sarah Tops", o "Try Sarah Tops") (1975)
- "The Disappearing Man" (1977)
- "La palabra clave" ("The Key Word") (1977)
- "El decimotercer día de las fiestas de Navidad" ("The Thirteenth Day of Christmas") (1977)
- "Lucky Seven" (1982)
- "The Christmas Solution" (1983)
- "The Man in the Park" (1985)
- "The Twins" (1985)
- "Zip Code" (1986)
Serie Union Club Mysteries:
- "Un disparo certero" ("A Clear Shot", o "Big Shot") (1980)
- "Getting Even" (1980), también de la serie Azazel
- "Ningún refugio podría salvar" ("No Refuge Could Save", o "To Spot a Spy") (1980)
- "Los hombres que no querían hablar" ("The Men Who Wouldn't Talk", o "Pigeon English") (1980)
- "El número telefónico" ("The Telephone Number", o "The Winning Number") (1980)
- "1 a 999" (1 to 999", o "One in a Thousand") (1981)
- "Gift", o "Decipher Deception" (1981)
- "No era él" ("He Wasn't There", o "The Spy Who Was Out-of-Focus") (1981)
- "Escondidas" ("Hide and Seek") (1981)
- "Caliente o frío" ("Hot or Cold") (1981)
- "Irresistible a las mujeres" ("Irresistible to Women", o "Call Me Irresistible") (1981)
- "Melodía misteriosa" ("Mystery Tune", o "Death Song") (1981)
- "¡Pruebas, pruebas!" ("Testing, Testing!", o "Cloak and Dagger Duel") (1981)
- "La historia de Appleby" ("The Appleby Story", o "The Last Laugh") (1981)
- "La línea delgada" ("The Thin Line", o "Taxicab Crackdown") (1981)
- "La página 13" ("The Thirteenth Page") (1981)
- "Doce años" ("Twelve Years Old", o "The 12-Year-Old Problem") (1981)
- "Caza del zorro" ("Catching the Fox", o "Stopping the Fox") (1982)
- "Dólares y centavos" ("Dollars and Cents", o "Countdown to Disaster") (1982)
- "Friends and Allies", o "Mirror Image" (1982)
- "Combinación descubierta" ("Getting the Combination", o "Playing It by the Numbers") (1982)
- "Medio fantasma" ("Half a Ghost", o "A Ghost of a Chance") (1982)
- "Envío de una señal" ("Sending a Signal", o "A Piece of the Rock") (1982)
- "¿Cómo se escribe?" ("Spell It!", o "Book Smart") (1982)
- "El libro de la biblioteca circulante" ("The Library Book", o "Mystery Book") (1982)
- "El signo" ("The Sign", o "The Telltale Sign") (1982)
- "Las tres copas" ("The Three Goblets", o "A Flash of Brilliance") (1982)
- "Dos mujeres" ("Two Women", o "Cherchez la Femme: the Case of the Disappearing Woman") (1982)
- "¿Cuál es cuál?" ("Which is Which?", o "The Perfect Alibi") (1982)
- "Never Out of Sight", o "The Amusement Lark" (1983)
- "State Capital", o "A Chemical Solution" (1983)
- "The Bird That Sang Bass", o "Riddled With Clues" (1983)
- "The Briefcase in the Taxi", o "Circuit Breaker" (1983)
- "La pieza favorita" ("The Favorite Piece", o "Face the Music") (1983)
- "The Last Caesar", o "Great Caesar's Ghost" (1983)
- "The Magic Umbrella", o "Stormy Weather" (1983)
- "The Speck" (1983)
- "Había una vez una joven" ("There Was a Young Lady", o "Poetic License") (1983)
- "The Queen and King" (1984)
- "The Year of the Feast" (1984)
- "Triply Unique" (1984)
- "Straight Lines" (1985)
- "The Suspect", o "The Taunter" (1985)
- "Upside Down" (1985)
- "Child's Play" (1986)
- "New England Equinox" (1986)
- "Ten" (1986)
- "The Common Name" (1986)
- "The Stamp" (1987)
- "The Teddy Bear" (1987)
- "The Legacy" (1988)
- "The Lost Dog" (1988)
- "Ho! Ho! Ho!" (1989)
- "The Last Man" (1989)
- "Missing", o "A Safe Place" (1991)
- "Qué importa el nombre" ("What's in a Name?", o "Death of a Honey-Blonde") (1956)
- "Polvo mortal" ("The Dust of Death") (1957)
- "De químico a químico" ("A Problem of Numbers", o "As Chemist to Chemist") (1970)
- "Halloween" (1975)
- "Las cositas" ("The Little Things") (1975)
- "Puede que no suceda nada" ("Nothing Might Happen") (1983)
Colecciones y cuentos no publicados en colecciones
- Estoy en Puertomarte sin Hilda y otros cuentos (Asimov's Mysteries) (1968), colección de 11 cuentos y 3 novelas cortas:
- "The Singing Bell" (serie Wendell Urth), "The Talking Stone" (serie Wendell Urth), "What's in a Name?", "The Dying Night" (novela corta, serie Wendell Urth), "Pâté de Foie Gras", "The Dust of Death", "A Loint of Paw", "I'm in Marsport Without Hilda", "Marooned off Vesta" (serie Brandon, Shea & Moore #1), "Anniversary" (serie Multivac, serie Brandon, Shea & Moore #2), "Obituary", "Star Light", "The Key" (novela corta, serie Wendell Urth), "The Billiard Ball" (novela corta)
- Serie Viudos Negros (Black Widowers):
- Cuentos de los Viudos Negros (Tales of the Black Widowers) (1974), colección de 12 cuentos:
- "The Acquisitive Chuckle", "Ph as in Phony", "Truth to Tell", "Go, Little Book!", "Early Sunday Morning", "The Obvious Factor", "The Pointing Finger", "Miss What?", "The Lullaby of Broadway", "Yankee Doodle Went to Town", "The Curious Omission", "Out of Sight"
- Relatos del club de los Viudos Negros, o Más cuentos de los Viudos Negros (More Tales of the Black Widowers) (1976), colección de 12 cuentos:
- "When No Man Pursueth", "Quicker Than the Eye", "The Iron Gem", "The Three Numbers", "Nothing Like Murder", "No Smoking", "Season's Greetings!", "The One and Only East", "Earthset and Evening Star", "Friday the Thirteenth", "The Unabridged", "The Ultimate Crime"
- El archivo de los Viudos Negros (Casebook of the Black Widowers) (1980), colección de 12 cuentos:
- "The Cross of Lorraine", "The Family Man", "The Sports Page", "Second Best", "The Missing Item", "The Next Day", "Irrelevance!", "None So Blind", "The Backward Look", "What Time Is It?", "Middle Name", "To the Barest"
- Banquets of the Black Widowers (1984), colección de 12 cuentos:
- "Sixty Million Trillion Combinations", "The Woman in the Bar", "The Driver", "The Good Samaritan", "The Year of the Action", "Can You Prove It?", "The Phoenician Bauble", "A Monday in April", "Neither Brute Nor Human", "The Redhead", "The Wrong House", "The Intrusion"`
- Los enigmas de los Viudos Negros (Puzzles of the Black Widowers) (1990), colección de 12 cuentos:
- "The Fourth Homonym", "Unique Is Where You Find It", "The Lucky Piece", "Triple Devil", "Sunset on the Water", "Where Is He?", "The Old Purse", "The Quiet Place", "The Four-Leaf Clover", "The Envelope", "The Alibi", "The Recipe"
- The Return of the Black Widowers (2003), colección publicada póstumamente de 19 cuentos (2 son de otros escritores):
- "The Acquisitive Chuckle", "Ph As in Phony", "Early Sunday Morning", "The Obvious Factor", "The Iron Gem", "To the Barest", "Sixty Million Trillion Combinations", "The Redhead", "The Wrong House", "Triple Devil", "The Men Who Read Isaac Asimov" (de William Brittain), "Northwestward", "Yes, but Why?", "Lost in a Space Warp", "Police at the Door", "The Haunted Cabin", "The Guest's Guest", "The Woman in the Bar", "The Last Story" (de Charles Ardai)
- Cuentos de los Viudos Negros (Tales of the Black Widowers) (1974), colección de 12 cuentos:
- Serie Larry Mysteries:
- La palabra clave y otros misterios (The Key Word and Other Mysteries) (1977), colección de 6 cuentos:
- "The Key Word", "Santa Claus Gets a Coin", "Sarah Tops", "The Thirteenth Day of Christmas", "A Case of Need", "The Disappearing Man" (solo en la edición del Reino Unido)
- The Disappearing Man and Other Mysteries (1985), colección de 5 cuentos:
- "The Disappearing Man", "Lucky Seven", "The Christmas Solution", "The Twins", "The Man in the Park"
- La palabra clave y otros misterios (The Key Word and Other Mysteries) (1977), colección de 6 cuentos:
- El Club de los Enigmas (The Union Club Mysteries) (1983), colección de 30 cuentos de la serie Union Club Mysteries:
- "No Refuge Could Save", "The Telephone Number", "The Men Who Wouldn't Talk", "A Clear Shot", "Irresistible to Women", "He Wasn't There", "The Thin Line", "Mystery Tune", "Hide and Seek", "Gift", "Hot or Cold", "The Thirteenth Page", "1 to 999", "Twelve Years Old", "Testing, Testing!", "The Appleby Story", "Dollars and Cents", "Friends and Allies", "Which is Which?", "The Sign", "Catching the Fox", "Getting the Combination", "The Library Book", "The Three Goblets", "Spell It!", "Two Women", "Sending a Signal", "The Favorite Piece", "Half a Ghost", "There Was a Young Lady"
- The Best Mysteries of Isaac Asimov (1986), colección de 30 cuentos y 1 novela corta;
- Serie Viudos Negros: "The Obvious Factor", "The Pointing Finger", "Out of Sight", "Yankee Doodle Went to Town", "Quicker Than the Eye", "The Three Numbers", "The One and Only East", "The Cross of Lorraine", "The Next Day", "What Time Is It?", "Middle Name", "Sixty Million Trillion Combinations", "The Good Samaritan", "Can You Prove It?", "The Redhead"
- Serie Union Club Mysteries: "He Wasn't There", "Hide and Seek", "Dollars and Cents", "The Sign", "Getting the Combination", "The Library Book", "Never Out of Sight", "The Magic Umbrella", "The Speck"
- Otros: "The Key" (novela corta, serie Wendell Urth), "A Problem of Numbers", "The Little Things", "Halloween", "The Thirteenth Day of Christmas" (serie Larry Mysteries), "The Key Word" (serie Larry Mysteries), "Nothing Might Happen"
No publicados en colecciones:
- "Getting Even" (1980), serie Azazel, serie Union Club Mysteries
- "Zip Code" (1986), serie Larry Mysteries
- "State Capital", o "A Chemical Solution" (1983), serie Union Club Mysteries
- "The Bird That Sang Bass", o "Riddled With Clues" (1983), serie Union Club Mysteries
- "The Briefcase in the Taxi", o "Circuit Breaker" (1983), serie Union Club Mysteries
- "The Last Caesar", o "Great Caesar's Ghost" (1983), serie Union Club Mysteries
- "The Queen and King" (1984), serie Union Club Mysteries
- "The Year of the Feast" (1984), serie Union Club Mysteries
- "Triply Unique" (1984), serie Union Club Mysteries
- "Straight Lines" (1985), serie Union Club Mysteries
- "The Suspect", o "The Taunter" (1985), serie Union Club Mysteries
- "Upside Down" (1985), serie Union Club Mysteries
- "Child's Play" (1986), serie Union Club Mysteries
- "New England Equinox" (1986), serie Union Club Mysteries
- "Ten" (1986), serie Union Club Mysteries
- "The Common Name" (1986), serie Union Club Mysteries
- "The Stamp" (1987), serie Union Club Mysteries
- "The Teddy Bear" (1987), serie Union Club Mysteries
- "The Legacy" (1988), serie Union Club Mysteries
- "The Lost Dog" (1988), serie Union Club Mysteries
- "Ho! Ho! Ho!" (1989), serie Union Club Mysteries
- "The Last Man" (1989), serie Union Club Mysteries
- "Missing", o "A Safe Place" (1991)
editarObras de teatro
- Serie Versos humorísticos lascivos (Lecherous Limericks):
- Versos humorísticos lascivos (Lecherous Limericks) (1975), colección de 100 poemas:
- "Darkest before dawn", "Frustration", "Independence", "The dangers of drink", "Look, everybody!", "The last straw", "Cops are human, too", "Retribution", "Don't back out now", "Conveneent in a pinch", "Overdoing it", "Modesty victorious", "No time out", "Reward of industry", "Shocking!", "A poor example", "The classic", "A good move", "Ah, those sensitive fingers", "How awful", "Compensation", "Side effect", "A la freud", "Don't breathe", "What a shame!", "Fit for his work", "The cost of ignorance", "The prospective widow", "The stars and stripes forever", "Forethought", "Music lover", "Too bad", "Slow but sure", "Valedictorian", "Ouch!", "Law abiding", "Let's see now", "Therapeutic effect", "Yo heave ho", "One has one's pride", "Heh, heh", "Ooh, la, la", "Pleasant surprise", "Zoological comparison", "Oh, that screaming", "Indecision", "Huh?", "Wagnerian", "Either way", "Hold tight!", "It's only fitting", "More than one way", "Following orders", "Unwieldy", "Disillusionment", "Heartbreak!", "All in a night's work", "Asymmetry", "Reciprocity", "Better than nothing", "Nothing personal", "Next!", "All is not lost", "The economic facts", "Woman's prerogative", "Not foiled!", "Retirement!", "No, it won't", "Age cannot wither", "Well, hardly ever", "Male chauvinist pig", "Too good to use", "Disillusionment", "Watch out behind you", "Now we'll never know", "Never say die", "Scarcely worth it", "Bravo!", "Like this, please", "Making beautiful music", "That's the big dipper, my dear", "No safety in numbers", "Last laugh", "Now hear this!", "Insult added to injury", "Each to his taste", "A natural mistake", "Impatience", "Change of life", "Naturally!", "High standards", "Whatever do you mean?", "For a change", "Nonfunctional", "Too good", "Faster, faster!", "Truth in advertising", "The good doctor", "Order of increasing importance", "And, finally"
- More Lecherous Limericks (1976), colección de 100 poemas
- Still More Lecherous Limericks (1977), colección de 100 poemas:
- "Keep it Up", "Ouch!", "Definition", "The Hard Way", "Hubris", "A Woman's Work", "Idiot!", "Entertainment", "Braggart", "These College Girls", "Only Reasonable", "More Than One Way", "No Hurry", "Inept", "You Did?", "About Time", "Ugly!", "Don't Be Too Sure", "What an Improvement!", "Reasons Enough", "Practical", "To Each His Own", "Reminiscences", "Waste of Time", "Demand", "One More Notch", "Cheapskate", "What Were You Saying?", "Education", "Shame!", "Up-Up-", "Down with Virtue!", "Specialized", "No Favorites", "Silver Lining", "Season's Greetings", "Afraid of the Dark", "Unfeeling", "Exchange Problems", "Not Worth the Trouble", "Next to Godliness", "Ethnic", "No Accounting For Tastes", "Screwples", "Effective", "Bravo!", "Better Than Nothint", "The Better Alternative", "To Each Her Own", "Foreplay", "Opportunist", "Economics", "Nonchalance", "Division of Labor", "Drawing the Line", "Grammar", "Unreasonable", "Self-Defeating", "The Male Dream", "Big Mouth", "Disadvantage", "Well, Give In!", "All Talk", "Consequence", "Naughty-Cal", "Stud", "Shortchanged", "Liberal Thinking", "That'll Teach Her", "Compliance", "Weakling", "Poverty", "Emily Post", "Incredible", "Compensation", "Christmas Spirit", "Russian One", "Russian Two", "Russian Three", "Strategy", "The Ayes Have It", "Plural", "Gotcha", "One Way", "It's Not What You Think", "Don't Stop", "Too Late", "Melting", "It's Only Their Duty", "Celibacy", "Don't Miss!", "Safety First", "Repetition", "Practical", "Commencement", "Worthy of Her Hire", "You Never Lose It", "Calisthenics", "Loan", "July 4, 1976"
- Versos humorísticos lascivos (Lecherous Limericks) (1975), colección de 100 poemas:
- Asimov's Sherlockian Limericks (1978), colección de 60 poemas:
- 'A Study in Scarlet", "The Sign of the Four", "A Scandal in Bohemia", "The Red-Headed League", "A Case of Identity", "The Boscombe Valley Mystery", "The Five Orange Pips", "The Man with the Twisted Lip", "The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle", "The Adventure of the Speckled Band", "The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb", "The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor", "The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet", "The Adventure of the Copper Beeches", "Silver Blaze", "The Yellow Face", "The Stockbroker's Clerk", "The 'Gloria Scott'", "The Musgrave Ritual", "The Reigate Squires", "The Crooked Man", "The Resident Patient", "The Greek Interpreter", "The Naval Treaty", "The Final Problem", "The Hound of the Baskervilles", "The Adventure of the Empty House", "The Adventure of the Norwood Builder", "The Adventure of the Dancing Men", "The Adventure of the Solitary Cyclist", "The Priory School", "The Adventure of Black Peter", "The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton", "The Adventure of the Six Napoleons", "The Three Students", "The Golden Pince-Nez", "The Adventure of the Missing Three-Quarter", "The Adventure of the Abbey Grange", "The Adventure of the Second Stain", "The Valley of Fear", "The Adventure of Wisteria Lodge", "The Adventure of the Cardboard Box", "The Adventure of the Red Circle", "The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans", "The Adventure of the Dying Detective", "The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax", "The Adventure of the Devil's Foot", "His Last Bow", "The Adventure of the Illustrious Client", "The Adventure of the Blanched Soldier", "The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone", "The Adventure of the Three Gables", "The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire", "The Adventure of the Three Garridebs", "The Problem of Thor Bridge", "The Creeping Man", "The Adventure of the Lion's Mane", "The Adventure of the Veiled Lodger", "The Adventure of Shoscombe Old Place", "The Adventure of the Retired Colourman"
- Serie Limericks: Two Gross:
- Limericks: Two Gross, or Two Dozen Dirty Dozen Stanzas (1978), con John Ciardi, colección de 299 poemas
- A Grossery of Limericks (1981), con John Ciardi, colección de 288 poemas
- Isaac Asimov's Limericks for Children (1984), colección de 48 poemas
No publicados en colecciones:
- "La base del éxito de la ficción científica" ("The Foundation of Science Fiction Success", o "The Foundation of S.F. Success") (1954)
- "How to Succeed at Science Fiction Without Really Trying" (1956)
- "In Reply to Randall Garrett" (1956)
- "Tale of the Pioneer" (1957)
- "La prueba por que pasa el autor" ("The Author's Ordeal") (1957)
- "¡Vale la pena leerme, vean!" ("I Just Make Them Up, See!") (1958)
- "Oh, That Lost Sense of Wonder!" (1958)
- "The Thunder-Thieves", or "It's All How You Look at It" (1958)
- "Notas de rechazo" ("Rejection Slips") (1959)
- "La primavera de la vida" ("The Prime of Life") (1966)
- "Shutting the Barn Door" (1976)
- "You Mean" (1976)
- "Science Fiction Convention" (1977)
- "A Fuller Explanation of Original Sin" (1982), con Janet Asimov como Janet O. Jeppson
- "The One Thing Lacking" (1982)
- "Phosgene" (1984)
- "Potassium Cyanide" (1984)
- "Snake Venom" (1984)
- "Strychnine" (1984)
- "The Gilbert and Sullivan Enthusiasts" (1991)
No ficción
editarCiencia en general
editar- Words of Science and the History Behind Them (1959)
- Serie Momentos estelares de la ciencia:
- Momentos estelares de la ciencia (Breakthroughs in Science) (1959)
- Grandes ideas de la ciencia (Great Ideas of Science) (1969)
- Nueva guía de la ciencia, o La guía del inteligente hombre de ciencia, o Introducción a la ciencia (The Intelligent Man's Guide to Science, o The New Intelligent Man's Guide to Science, o Asimov's Guide to Science, o Asimov's New Guide to Science (1960)
- Enciclopedia biográfica de ciencia y tecnología (Asimov's Biographical Encyclopedia of Science and Technology) (1964)
- Los descubrimientos del siglo XX (Twentieth Century Discovery) (1969)
- Más palabras sobre la ciencia (More Words of Science) (1972)
- Ginn Science Program (1972-1973), cinco volúmenes, libros de texto
- Cien preguntas básicas sobre la ciencia (Please Explain) (1973)
- Las amenazas de nuestro mundo (A Choice of Catastrophes) (1979)
- Explorando la Tierra y el Cosmos (Exploring the Earth and the Cosmos) (1982)
- La medición del Universo (The Measure of the Universe) (1983)
- Historia y cronología de la ciencia y los descubrimientos, o Cronología de los descubrimientos (Asimov's Chronology of Science and Discovery) (1989)
- Is Our Planet Warming Up? (1991)
- La ira de la Tierra (Our Angry Earth: A Ticking Ecological Bomb) (1991), con Frederik Pohl
- What Causes Acid Rain (1991)
- Where Does Garbage Go? (1991)
- Why Are Whales Vanishing? (1991)
- Why is the Air Dirty? (1991)
- Why Do We Have Different Seasons? (1991)
- What's Happening to the Ozone Layer? (1992)
- Why Are Animals Endangered? (1992)
- Why Are Some Beaches Oily? (1992)
- Why Are the Rain Forests Vanishing? (1992)
- Why Does Litter Cause Problems? (1992)
Colecciones de ensayos:
- Solo un billón (Only a Trillion) (1957)
- Publicadas en The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction:
- Realidad y fantasia (Fact and Fancy) (1962)
- Visto desde la altura (View from a Height) (1963)
- Una nueva dimensión (Adding a Dimension) (1964)
- El tiempo, el espacio y otras cosas (Of Time and Space and Other Things) (1965)
- De la Tierra al Cielo (From Earth to Heaven) (1966)
- Números y ciencia (Science, Numbers, and I) (1968)
- The Solar System and Back (1970)
- El curso de las estrellas (The Stars in their Courses) (1971)
- El electrón zurdo y otros ensayos científicos (The Left Hand of the Electron) (1972)
- La tragedia de la Luna (The Tragedy of the Moon) (1973)
- Asimov on Astronomy (1974)
- Asimov on Chemistry (1974)
- Of Matters Great and Small (1975)
- Asimov on Physics (1976)
- El planeta que no estaba (The Planet That Wasn't) (1976)
- De los números y su historia) (Asimov on Numbers) (1976)
- Luces en el cielo (Quasar, Quasar, Burning Bright) (1978)
- El camino al infinito (The Road to Infinity) (1979)
- El sol brilla luminoso (The Sun Shines Bright) (1981)
- Contando los eones (Counting the Eons) (1983)
- "X" representa lo desconocido ("X" Stands for Unknown) (1984)
- El monstruo subatómico: una exploración de los misterios del universo (The Subatomic Monster) (1985)
- Hasta donde alcanza el ojo (Far as Human Eye Could See: Essays on Science) (1987)
- Orígenes (Beginnings: The Story of Origins of Mankind, Life, the Earth, the Universe) (1987)
- La relatividad del error (The Relativity of Wrong) (1988)
- La medición del Universo (Asimov on Science: A 30 Year Retrospective 1959–1989) (1989)
- Más allá de cualquier lugar (Out of the Everywhere) (1990)
- El secreto del Universo (The Secret of the Universe) (1991)
- ¿Hay alguien ahí? (Is Anyone There?) (1967)
- Hoy y mañana (Today and Tomorrow and...) (1973)
- Science Past, Science Future (1975)
- El principio y el fin (The Beginning and the End) (1977)
- Vida y tiempo (Life and Time) (1978)
- Las amenazas de nuestro mundo (The Threats of Our World) (1979)
- ¡Cambio! 71 visiones del futuro (Change!: Seventy-one Glimpses of the Future) (1979)
- La mente errabunda (The Roving Mind) (1983)
- The Dangers of Intelligence and Other Science Essays (1986)
- Pasado, presente y futuro (Past, Present, and Future) (1987)
- La visita del tiranosauro (The Tyrannosaurus Prescription: and One Hundred Other Science Essays) (1989)
- Serie Fronteras (Frontiers):
- Fronteras (Frontiers: New Discoveries About Man and His Planet, Outer Space and the Universe) (1990)
- Fronteras II (Frontiers II: More Recent Discoveries About Life, Earth, Space, and the Universe) (1993), con Janet Asimov, publicada póstumamente
Ciencia ficción
editarColecciones de ensayos:
- Sobre la ciencia ficción (Asimov on Science Fiction) (1981)
- Asimov's Galaxy: Reflections on Science Fiction (1989)
editar- El tiempo que nosotros vivimos (The Clock We Live On) (1959)
- Satélites en el espacio exterior (Satellites in Outer Space) (1960)
- El planeta doble (The Double Planet) (1960)
- El reino del Sol (The Kingdom of the Sun) (1960)
- Planetas para el hombre (Planets for Man) (1964), con Stephen H. Dole
- El Universo: de la tierra plana a los quásars (The Universe: From Flat Earth to Quasar, o The Universe: From Flat Earth to Black Holes and Beyond) (1966)
- Allí fuera (Environments Out There) (1967)
- Mars (1967)
- The Moon (1967)
- En los límites del Universo (To The Ends of the Universe) (1967)
- Galaxies (1968)
- Stars (1968)
- ABC del espacio (ABC's of Space) (1969)
- ¿Que hace que brille el sol? (What Makes the Sun Shine) (1971)
- Cometas y meteoros (Comets and Meteors) (1973)
- Jupiter, the Largest Planet (1973)
- The Sun (1973)
- Asimov on Astronomy (1974)
- Nuestro mundo en el espacio (Our World in Space) (1974)
- Historia del telescopio (Eyes on the Universe: A History of the Telescope) (1975)
- El sistema solar (The Solar System) (1975)
- Alpha Centauri, la estrella mas próxima (Alpha Centauri, the Nearest Star) (1976)
- Marte, el planeta rojo (Mars, the Red Planet) (1977)
- El colapso del Universo (The Collapsing Universe) (1977)
- Civilizaciones extraterrestres (Extraterrestrial Civilizations) (1979)
- Saturno y más allá, o De Saturno a Plutón (Saturn and beyond) (1979)
- Venus, Near Neighbor of the Sun (1981)
- Visiones del Universo (Visions of the Universe) (1981), con Kazuaki Iwasaki
- El cometa Halley (Asimov's Guide to Halley's Comet) (1985)
- Soles en explosión (The Exploding Suns: The Secrets of the Supernovas) (1985)
- Serie Biblioteca del Universo de Isaac Asimov (Isaac Asimov's Library of the Universe):
- ¿Qué sabían los antiguos sobre los astros? (Ancient Astronomy) (1988)
- Serie El Sistema Solar (The Solar System):
- Asteroides, o Los asteroides (The Asteroids, o Cosmic Debris: The Asteroids) (1988)
- Mercurio, Mercurio, el planeta veloz (Mercury, o Mercury: The Quick Planet, o Nearest the Sun: The Planet Mercury) (1989)
- Saturno, o Saturno, el planeta de los anillos (Saturn, o Saturn: The Ringed Beauty, o The Ringed Planet: Saturn) (1988)
- La Tierra, La Tierra, nuestro hogar (Earth, o Earth: Our Home Base, o Our Planet Earth) (1988)
- La Luna, o Nuestra Luna (The Moon, o The Earth's Moon) (1988)
- El Sol (The Sun, o The Sun and Its Secrets) (1988)
- Júpiter, o Júpiter, el gigante entre los gigantes (Jupiter, o Jupiter: The Spotted Giant, o Planet of Extremes: Jupiter) (1989)
- Neptuno, Neptuno, el gigante más lejano (Neptune, o Neptune: The Farthest Giant, o A Distant Giant: The Planet Neptune) (1990)
- Urano, o Urano, el planeta inclinado (Uranus, o Uranus: The Sideways Planet, o A Distant Puzzle: The Planet Uranus) (1988)
- Marte, o Marte, nuestro misterioso vecino (Mars, o Mars: Our Mysterious Neighbor, o The Red Planet: Mars) (1988)
- Plutón y Caronte, o Plutón, ¿un planeta doble? (Pluto and Charon, o Pluto: A Double Planet?, o A Double Planet?: Pluto and Charon) (1989)
- Venus, o Venus, el planeta inhóspito (Venus, o Venus: A Shrouded Mystery, o Earth's Twin? The Planet Venus) (1990)
- Hombres y máquinas estudian el espacio (Astronomy Today) (1989)
- ¿Cómo nacen y mueren las estrellas? (The Birth and Death of Stars) (1989)
- ¿Cómo viviremos en el Universo? (Colonizing the Planets and the Stars) (1989)
- El Halley y otros cometas (Comets and Meteors) (1989)
- ¿Mataron los cometas a los dinosaurios? (Did Comets Kill the Dinosaurs?) (1987)
- The Future in Space (1993), con Greg Walz-Chojnacki, publicada póstumamente
- ¿Cómo nació el Universo? (How Was the Universe Born?) (1988)
- ¿Hay vida en otros planetas? (Is There Life on Other Planets?) (1989)
- Dioses y leyendas en el firmamento (Mythology and the Universe) (1989)
- Nuestra Vía Láctea y otras galaxias (Our Milky Way and Other Galaxies) (1988)
- Nuestro Sistema Solar (Our Solar System) (1988)
- ¿Cómo viven los astronautas en el espacio? (Piloted Space Flights) (1989)
- Quásares, púlsares y agujeros negros (Quasars, Pulsars, and Black Holes, o Black Holes, Pulsars and Quasars, o Mysteries of deep space: Quasars, Pulsars and Black Holes) (1988)
- Cohetes, sondas y satélites (Rockets, Probes, and Satellites) (1988)
- Ciencia o ciencia ficción (Science Fiction, Science Fact) (1989)
- ¿Contaminamos también el espacio? (Space Garbage) (1989)
- Guía del joven astrónomo (The Space Spotter's Guide) (1988)
- Objetos voladores no identificados (Unidentified Flying Objects) (1988)
- The World's Space Programs (1990)
- Think About Space: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going? (1989), con Frank White
- Enigmas de la Tierra y el espacio, o Guía del cielo y la tierra, o Guía de la tierra y el espacio (Isaac Asimov's Guide to Earth and Space) (1991)
- What Is a Shooting Star? (1991)
- What Is an Eclipse? (1991)
- Why Do Stars Twinkle? (1991)
- Why Does the Moon Change Shape? (1991)
Ciencias de la Tierra
editar- Palabras en el mapa, o Guía sobre los mapas (Words on the Map) (1962)
- ABC de los océanos (ABC's of the Ocean) (1970)
- ABC de la Tierra (ABC's of the Earth) (1971)
- El fin de la Tierra (The Ends of the Earth: The Polar Regions of the World) (1975)
editar- El reino de los números (Realm of Numbers) (1959)
- El reino de las medidas (Realm of Measure) (1960)
- El reino del álgebra (Realm of Algebra) (1961)
- Matemáticas rápidas y fáciles (Quick and Easy Math) (1964)
- Introducción fácil a la regla de calculo (An Easy Introduction to the Slide Rule) (1965)
- The History of Mathematics (1989), esquema
editar- Dentro del átomo (Inside the Atom) (1956)
- El neutrino (The Neutrino) (1966)
- Comprenda la física (Understanding Physics) (1966), tres volúmenes
- La luz (Light) (1970)
- La electricidad y el hombre (Electricity and Man) (1972)
- Mundos dentro de mundos, o Historia de la energía nuclear (World Within Worlds) (1972)
- Robots: Machines In Man's Image (1985), con Karen Frenklen
- Átomo (Atom: Journey Across the Subatomic Cosmos) (1991)
editar- Bioquímica y metabolismo humano (Biochemistry and Human Metabolism) (1952)
- La química de la vida (The Chemicals of Life: Enzymes, Vitamins, and Hormones) (1954)
- Química y salud humana (Chemistry and Human Health) (1956)
- Construyendo el edificio del Universo (Building Blocks of the Universe) (1957)
- El mundo del carbón (The World of Carbon) (1958)
- El mundo del nitrógeno (The World of Nitrogen) (1958)
- Vida y energía (Life and Energy) (1962)
- La búsqueda de los elementos (The Search for the Elements) (1962)
- El código genético (The Genetic Code) (1963)
- Breve historia de la química (A Short History of Chemistry) (1965)
- Los efectos genéticos de la radiación (The Genetic Effects of Radiation) (1966), con Theodosius Dobzhansky
- Los gases nobles (The Noble Gases) (1966)
- Fotosíntesis (Photosynthesis) (1969)
- The History of Chemistry (1991), esquema
editar- Razas y gentes (Races and People) (1955), con William C. Boyd, ilustraciones de John Bradford
- El rio viviente (The Living River) (1960)
- Las fuentes de la vida (The Wellsprings of Life) (1960)
- El cuerpo humano (The Human Body: Its Structure and Operation) (1963)
- El cerebro humano (The Human Brain: Its Capacities and Functions) (1963)
- Breve historia de la biología, o Una historia corta de biología (A Short History of Biology) (1964)
- ABC de la ecología (ABC's of Ecology) (1972)
- The History of Biology (1988), esquema
- Little Library of Dinosaurs (1989), cinco volúmenes
editar- El cometa que gano la revolución (The Kite That Won the Revolution) (1963)
- Serie Historia Universal Asimov (Universal History Asimov):
- El Cercano Oriente (The Near East: 10,000 Years of History) (1968)
- La tierra de Canaán (The Land of Canaan) (1971)
- Los egipcios (The Egyptians) (1967)
- Los griegos: Una gran aventura, o Los griegos: La gran aventura (The Greeks: A Great Adventure) (1965)
- La República Romana (The Roman Republic) (1966)
- El Imperio Romano (The Roman Empire) (1967)
- Constantinopla, el Imperio Olvidado (Constantinople: The Forgotten Empire) (1970)
- La Alta Edad Media (The Dark Ages) (1968)
- La formación de Inglaterra (The Shaping of England) (1969)
- La formación de Francia (The Shaping of France) (1972)
- La formación de América del Norte (The Shaping of North America: From Earliest Times to 1763) (1973)
- El nacimiento de los Estados Unidos: 1763-1816 (The Birth of the United States: 1763-1816) (1974)
- Los Estados Unidos desde 1816 hasta la Guerra Civil (Our Federal Union: The Union States from 1816 to 1865) (1975)
- Los Estados Unidos desde la Guerra Civil hasta la Primera Guerra Mundial (The Golden Door: The United States From 1865 To 1918) (1977)
- Las palabras y la historia, o Frases de la historia (Words from History) (1968)
- Earth: Our Crowded Spaceship (1974)
- El paso de los milenios (The March of the Millennia: A Key to Looking at History) (1990), con Frank White
- Historia y cronología del mundo: La historia del mundo desde el Big Bang hasta 1945, o Cronología del mundo (Asimov's Chronology of the World: The History of the World From the Big Bang to Modern Times) (1991)
- Serie Isaac Asimov's Pioneers of Science and Exploration:
- Christopher Columbus: Navigator to the New World (1991)
- Ferdinand Magellan: Opening the Door to World Exploration (1991)
- Henry Hudson: Arctic Explorer and North American Adventurer (1991)
La Biblia
editar- Palabras en el Génesis, o Guía del Génesis (Words in Genesis) (1962)
- Palabras del Éxodo, o Guía sobre el Éxodo (Words from the Exodus) (1963)
- Guía Asimov para la Biblia (Asimov's Guide to the Bible) (1968-1969), dos volúmenes
- La historia de Ruth (The Story of Ruth) (1972)
- Animales en la Biblia (Animals of the Bible) (1978)
- In the Beginning: Science Faces God in the Book of Genesis (1981)
editar- Las palabras y los mitos, o Guía sobre los mitos (Words from the Myths) (1961)
- Guía de Shakespeare de Asimov (Asimov's Guide to Shakespeare) (1970), dos volúmenes
- How to Enjoy Writing: A Book of Aid and Comfort (1987), con Janet Asimov
editar- Serie Cómo descubrimos (How Did We Find Out):
- Cómo descubrimos que la Tierra es redonda (How Did We Find Out the Earth is Round?) (1973)
- Cómo descubrimos la electricidad (How Did We Find Out About Electricity?) (1973)
- Cómo descubrimos los números (How Did We Find Out About Numbers?) (1973)
- Cómo descubrimos los dinosaurios (How Did We Find Out About Dinosaurs?) (1973)
- Cómo descubrimos los gérmenes (How Did We Find Out About Germs?) (1974)
- Cómo descubrimos las vitaminas (How Did We Find Out About Vitamins?) (1974)
- Cómo descubrimos los cometas (How Did We Find Out About Comets?) (1975)
- Cómo descubrimos la energía (How Did We Find Out About Energy?) (1975)
- Cómo descubrimos el átomo (How Did We Find Out About Atoms?) (1976)
- Cómo descubrimos la energía nuclear (How Did We Find Out About Nuclear Power?) (1976)
- Cómo descubrimos el espacio (How Did We Find Out About Outer Space?) (1977)
- Cómo descubrimos los terremotos (How Did We Find Out About Earthquakes?) (1978)
- Cómo descubrimos los agujeros negros (How Did We Find Out About Black Holes?) (1978)
- Cómo descubrimos los orígenes del hombre (How Did We Find Out About Our Human Roots?) (1979)
- Cómo descubrimos la Antártida (How Did We Find Out About Antarctica?) (1979)
- Cómo descubrimos el petróleo (How Did We Find Out About Oil?) (1980)
- How Did We Find Out About Coal? (1980)
- How Did We Find Out About Solar Power? (1981)
- How Did We Find Out About Volcanoes? (1981)
- How Did We Find Out About Life in the Deep Sea? (1982)
- How Did We Find Out About the Beginning of Life? (1982)
- How Did We Find Out About the Universe? (1982)
- How Did We Find Out About Genes? (1983)
- How Did We Find Out About Computers? (1984)
- How Did We Find Out About Robots? (1984)
- How Did We Find Out About the Atmosphere? (1985)
- How Did We Find Out About DNA? (1985)
- How Did We Find Out About the Speed of Light? (1986)
- How Did We Find Out About Blood? (1987)
- How Did We Find Out About Sunshine? (1987)
- How Did We Find Out About the Brain? (1987)
- How Did We Find Out About Superconductivity? (1988)
- How Did We Find Out About Microwaves? (1989)
- How Did We Find Out About Photosynthesis? (1989)
- How Did We Find Out About Lasers? (1990)
- How Did We Find Out About Neptune? (1990)
- How Did We Find Out About Pluto? (1991)
- The Complete Science Fair Handbooks (1989), con Anthony D. Fredericks
editar- Tesoros del humor de Asimov (Isaac Asimov's Treasury of Humor) (1971)
- El anciano sensual (The Sensuous Dirty Old Man) (1971), como Dr. A
- Asimov Laughs Again: More Than 700 Favorite Jokes, Limericks, and Anecdotes (1992)
editar- The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov:
- En la memoria todavía verde (In Memory Yet Green: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1920–1954) (1979)
- En la alegría todavía sentida (In Joy Still Felt: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1954–1978) (1980)
- Yo, Asimov: Memorias, o Issac Asimov: Memorias, o Memorias (I. Asimov: A Memoir) (1994), publicada póstumamente
- Yours, Isaac Asimov (1995), publicada póstumamente
- It's Been a Good Life (2002), publicada póstumamente, condensación de los tres primeros volúmenes de autobiografías, editada por Janet Asimov
editar- Serie Opus:
- Opus 100 (1969), ómnibus con las 100 primeras obras de Asimov
- Opus 200 (1979), ómnibus con las obras 101.ª a 200.ª de Asimov
- Opus 300 (1984), ómnibus con las obras 201.ª a 300.ª de Asimov
- La vida en el futuro (Living in the Future) (1975)
- El libro de los sucesos... eventos, hechos, casos, cosas (Isaac Asimov's Book of Facts) (1979)
- Serie Isaac Asimov Presents Superquiz:
- Isaac Asimov Presents Superquiz (1982)
- Isaac Asimov Presents Superquiz II (1983)
- Isaac Asimov Presents Superquiz III (1987)
- Isaac Asimov Presents Superquiz IV (1989)
- El futuro: Una visión del año 2000 desde el siglo XIX (Futuredays: A Nineteenth-Century Vision of the Year 2000) (1986)
editar- ↑ (en inglés)
- ↑ Asimovonline: Star Empire (en inglés)
- ↑ The Locus Index to Science Fiction, 1984–1998 (en inglés)
- ↑ Asimovonline: The Story Machine (en inglés)
Enlaces externos
editar- Asimov Online (en inglés)
- Isaac Asimov en la Internet Speculative Fiction Database (en inglés).
- Isaac Asimov en
- The Fiction of Isaac Asimov - Part I y Part II en The Internet Time Travel Database (en inglés)
- Jenkins’ Spoiler-Laden Guide to Isaac Asimov (en inglés)
- Trabajos por o sobre Isaac Asimov en bibliotecas (catálogo WorldCat) (en inglés)
- Bibliografía de Isaac Asimov en la Revista digital de ACTA (Asociación de Autores Científico-Técnicos y Académicos)